Hair pills and general hairyness


New Member
I've been thinking about taking some hair pills for my slow growing (head) hair.
But... I was wondering...
does it make hair grow faster all over?
If it does make you more hairy, does it slow down again when you stop taking the pills?
That's what's been stopping me from trying them really.
for me too...i'd wanted to make a thread on how my hair umm....down there is now straight. i know my newgrowth has lost a little curl definition but it was weird when i noticed the same about that other hair too.......

Are you still taking the biotin, Champagne_Wishes?
If not, do you still have to shave so much?

I ask this because I'm a bit scared of things like these messing up hormones permanently or something like that.

Apologies to anyone if I'm so wrong it's stupid... I don't know that much about biology.