Have to wear a hat for my job, How can I keep hair from breaking


New Member
I am new and I was wondering for those that have to wear a hat a lot, or choose to wear a hat, how do you stop your hear from breaking? I think it would offer great protection from the sun also.
yasjencon2 said:
I am new and I was wondering for those that have to wear a hat a lot, or choose to wear a hat, how do you stop your hear from breaking? I think it would offer great protection from the sun also.

What kind of hat is it? Is it more of a cap? I would line the inside with satin and put your hair in a bun. (neatly sew a piece of satin on the inside) Lining the inside with the satin would keep the friction of whatever the material (on the inside of the hat/cap) from rubbing against your hair and breaking it.

Can you wear a silk scarf underneath the hat?
Or could you place the scarf under your hat?
thanks for the quick replies. i imagine i could sew satin into the hat but i dont think covering in with a scarf then putting on a hat would suit my tastes:)