Have you ever been mad at God??


New Member
Well I am! Am I wrong? It is really hard for me to write this post, but I need to get this off my chest.

I am a Christian, and I pray and give praise to God all day everyday. But I feel like I am wasting my time and breath. This has been an ongoing sturggle with me. I try to keep my faith strong and believe but I feel like He is not on my side. I am so tired of hearing about all the wonderful things He does for everyone else. What about me? When is my turn? I don't ask for miracles and I'm not just asking for things and not working for them. I work hard EVERY SINGLE DAY but I feel like my prayers and hard work is pointless. He knows the pain and all the stress I'm going through right now but does he care?

Why is he doing this to me? This is really affecting all areas of my life, my relationships are even suffering. I don't even know what else to say. I am so tired of crying.

Thanks for listening
prissygirl114 said:
Well I am! Am I wrong? It is really hard for me to write this post, but I need to get this off my chest.

I am a Christian, and I pray and give praise to God all day everyday. But I feel like I am wasting my time and breath. This has been an ongoing sturggle with me. I try to keep my faith strong and believe but I feel like He is not on my side. I am so tired of hearing about all the wonderful things He does for everyone else. What about me? When is my turn? I don't ask for miracles and I'm not just asking for things and not working for them. I work hard EVERY SINGLE DAY but I feel like my prayers and hard work is pointless. He knows the pain and all the stress I'm going through right now but does he care?

Why is he doing this to me? This is really affecting all areas of my life, my relationships are even suffering. I don't even know what else to say. I am so tired of crying.

Thanks for listening

I so feel you girl! I can't help but wonder sometimes what I did to end up in the situation that I'm in right now. It's like I really don't want much, just a decent paying job so that I can out of all the debt my ex bf has put me in and when the time is right, a good man. That's it. I'm beyond stressed at this point. I really want to believe that better things are in store for me, but it's hard. I haven't turned my cell phone on in 3 days, I just don't want to be bothered with anyone, that's how bad I feel.

As you can see, I don't have any answers, but I just wanted you to know that someone else really does understand how you feel. Hopefully, things will get better sooner than later.
I must admit that sometimes I do attempt to become mad at the Lord for letting certain things happen to me. After all, I am a giver not a taker, always there for people, etc. and it seems like my actions would be more rewarded than what I am receiving from him. But I always seem to come to the conclusion that bad things happen to good people sometimes. You know, I went to bible study last week and the pastor said that somewhere in the bible, a certain biblical character enjoyed immense prosperity for a long time but what he didn't do was prepare for the down times that were sure to come. It kinda reminded me of the elemetary story about the ant and the grasshopper. In essence, what the pastor was trying to say was that we are going to go through harsh times but there's surely sunshine after the rain if we continue to hold our faith and continue to worship the Lord. Your time for prosperity is coming but in the meantime get your act together right now so that you will know what to do and will be prepared when that time comes. Continue to worship the lord, have faith, and know that your time is coming. The only thing is that you have to be prepared whether you are in a drought preparing for prosperity or vice versa. I am a firm believer that the Lord is an on time God. Be patient and let his will be done. I too am going through some bad times but I am going to wait on the Lord. I hope that I've helped. God Bless!
Every single trial and tribulation we go through shapes us into who GOD wants us to be. There are some things we wouldn't be able to appreciate when we got it if we didn't suffer greatly before we received that blessing. I've been mad at GOD and angry that things didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, but anytime I get on my knees in prayer, GOD would remind me that my ways are not HIS ways, and my time is not HIS time. Some people have things come to them easily, and some of us have to suffer and wait for it. (And please note: some things you may see as good happening to someone else is actually a monumental problem waiting to develop. Believe me, the grass really isn't that green on the other side all the time. :ohwell: ) But GOD has not forgotten you. Believe me, your time will come. Be of good courage, sis. :rosebud:

Galatians 6:9: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who feel/felt this way.

It just seems like I've been going through for so long. I'm so tired...I try and I try just to get kicked down.
i am sorry that you are haveing a hard time no i have never been mad at GOD AND i too have had hard times death of mother father grand child died lost home my family broke up son had a break down kids just ran cazy you name it it has happend but i started to lose hope i started to drink to much it was bad but i just tie a rope and hung on i cried out to the lord night afther night and nothing happend but i was never mad at god i just kept on praying and thanking him because i knew he would hear my crys and he did i am praying and thanking him and things are turning around:) not as fast as i would like but in his time i was bless with another grandchild i looking to move in a home very soon my son thank god is comeing in this right mind the other kids are comeing around things are looking up so what iam trying to say god hear you you just have to wait on him in his time and believe that this will pass and keep thanking him for what you have i do every day satan wants you to feel mad and up set and to stop praying that how he get him in when my grand child die i had to hold on to my child she was mad hurt and didnt under stand why i told her to thank god for his mercy dont let the satan win you have a loveing and for giveing GOD HE UNDER STANDS EVRY THING I PRAY YOU FIND THE PEACE AND UNDERSTANDING GOD BLESS YOU:) :)
No, I've never been mad at God. But I dont feel His presence around me nymore like I used to and I struggle with sins everyday. I thnk t myself-- im not ready to be loved like that. If anything, he should be mad at me..
pebbles, baby42,

I to have become upset at him. Before so, I didn't understand why anyone would. But, I hadn't been kicked in the butt by life yet. Well, he did give me a dream to let me know that was not a good thing to do. So when I woke up, i was so far from mad that I was darn near grateful, ha ha ha haaaha

And yes, I understand about tired of being tired...then you get up, which takes allllllll the energy you have, then you get knocked down again,THEN you wonder why get up, I'm scared I will get knocked down again. Yeap. Been there. Done that. My friend came to me saying this same thing. Funny thing was, I'd just said the same thing to myself the night before.

It seems like I may be coming out of my situation. If so, all I can say is keep your eye on God. I had soooo many problems til i didn't even care anymore. I couldn't carry them cause they were just to much to carry. So after I stopped caring, and was to tired to care, thats when God seemed to have stepped in.

I pray that things get better with you ladies. Trust, God does have a plan, just ask him to help you ENDURE ...and to LEARN from the test....remember, its not the weak or the strong, but those who endure.

If you don't endure, you won't be around for the reward or good times .... ;) , :)
MzLady78 said:
I so feel you girl! I can't help but wonder sometimes what I did to end up in the situation that I'm in right now. It's like I really don't want much, just a decent paying job so that I can out of all the debt my ex bf has put me in and when the time is right, a good man. That's it. I'm beyond stressed at this point. I really want to believe that better things are in store for me, but it's hard. I haven't turned my cell phone on in 3 days, I just don't want to be bothered with anyone, that's how bad I feel.

As you can see, I don't have any answers, but I just wanted you to know that someone else really does understand how you feel. Hopefully, things will get better sooner than later.
I had an old pastor preach on this very subject. He was telling us how he had been mad at God for taking his wife and leaving him with 2 young boys to raise on his own. His message was that God is big enough to deal with our hurt, anger, and pain. Withholding these feelings from him does not help our relationship with our Father. He suggested that we respectfully tell him how we are feeling. He knows that we are mad at him. We are in a relationship with him, and we need open, honest diologue. I've tried this. It doesn't fix the situation, but I usually feel closer to God after telling him how I feel. I no longer feel disconnected from him because I have closed off part of my feelings and emotions from him. It doesn't change the situation, but it lightens the load.
I know how hard it can be! I unfortunately have become very sad and depressed, not so much mad because I then always remember what horrible things I've done and how I'm so happy the Lord hasn't struck me dead like I deserved. One thing that ALWAYS helps me is to read the book of Job. I might take a couple or three days to complete it but I read it from start to finish. It puts things back into perspective for me. I know it will for you too.
I understand exactly what you mean, but I've learned that I shouldn't be mad at God because I am not entitled to a lot of the good things he brings into my life. I don't deserve any of it, and yet He loves us. Sometimes I can be so stubborn and make myself believe that what I want is what God wants for me. But I had to learn that I have to surrender to God and to follow HIS will, not my own. You have to learn to listen to God's voice, b/c looking back, I realized that part of it was my fault. I wanted to be in control. So I say, let go and let God feel your need :) and most important of all, be patient.