Heat damage is a ****!


I had a mini chop 2 weeks ago because I felt like transitioning longer. I thought the mini chop rid me of the heat damaged hair from my maxiglide. I was wrong. My hair was singed strait. I could not style it no matter what, so I went to the salon to see my options. The stylist said the hair was so damaged, that it could not be saved. So I BCD early.:( I will never ever use the maxiglide on my hair ever again.:mad: I didn't even use the teeth part, which is supposedly the most "dangerous" part of the iron. The stylist gave me a cute cut, so I'm not really mad, just a bit disappointed that I had to end my transition due to damage. :ohwell:
Well thank God hair always grows back. I've considered buying the Maxiglide but decided against it. Ewww, singed straight...that's real scary.
wow. Sorry to hear about your hair trouble. Yeah, heat damage is a ****.
What heat setting did you normally use? I have a maxiglide and have only used it a few times. I think the setting was too high each time:ohwell:. That thing can sure get hot!
My dumb butt had it on the high setting, #7. I used heat protectant too. Never again. I'm going to be heat free for a long time.:ohwell:
Wow, sorry to hear that DD. Yeah heat is no joke. I've had heat damage before too and I hated it. I never go past the first setting on my maxiglide and sometimes that's even too hot. That iron gets hotttt!
I'm learning more about my hair now. It can't do any of the things I used to do with it when I was younger. Looks like I have to adjust more than the way I do my hair. I have to change the very habits that lead me to the same mistakes. I'm glad to still have some hair on my head!:lol: