Hello Everybody!!!


The comb is stuck.
I am new to this site, but I have been lurking for some time now. I have been taking some of everybody's advice. MY HAIR HAS GROWN 2 INCHES IN 2 MONTHS. To most of you thats nothing, but you don't understand. My hair was dry, split and it would never grow past a certain length ALL MY LIFE. I am truly happy and amazed. You ladies have some BEAUTIFUL hair! You ladies are truly inspiring. I have three questions: Does anybody use vineger hair rinses? What does biotin do for your hair? (I'd never heard of it before),and what is a good leave in conditioner?

I hope to become friends with you all soon. I'll try to check in everyday. I live in Manhattan, is anybody else from New York?
/images/graemlins/spank.gif /images/graemlins/littleangel2.gif
Welcome girlie!!!!!!

I wish my hair would grow 2 inches in two months --that's amazing!!! (To me anyway) Please tell us wht you have been doing.

I use ACV (apple cideer vinegar) to get rid of product buildup, to help with my mystery scalp condition, and to restore pH of my hair after shampooing, I believe this also make s the hair resilient and shiny (when used as a final rinse).

Biotin helps to increase the growth rate of your hair--if I'm not mistaken. Even though many ladies here have said it, I just read in Lucky Magazine (thanks Boadicaea /images/graemlins/wave.gif) that biotin, B%, silica, and MSM (most important according to the magazine) in conjunction to a helathy diet and lifestlyle.

I live in Brooklyn. Perhaps we may meet soon at our NY get-together!!!

Lookign forward to reading more of your posts!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I would love to meet anybody from NY! /images/graemlins/wave.gif. Now I have to go research MSM. I saw a post earlier about charting your har growth for 365 days. I'm gonna do that and take a picture every month/images/graemlins/Flahssssss.gif. I want to start one of those picture trails. As for how I got my hair to grow, I wash it more often and deep condition it, I moisterize my scalp with a hair dress that contains, Vitamin E, lanolin, and coconut oil, take vitamins and use a detangler instead of pulling a comb through it.
Hello and welcome... an inch a month? Girl you are doing good! I've used ACV more lately. I use it after I shampoo, before I condition.
Welcome to the board /images/graemlins/wave.gif. Girl an inch a month is remarkable. Keep posting those updates!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
New to the board and schooling us all! An inch a month! Whoa, you're a chia pet! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Hello! Glad to have you. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Two inches in a month?? WOW /images/graemlins/shocked.gif Now YOUR our inspiration!! Hope to see you around often.

It grew 2 inches in 2 months and this is after a looooong battle with dry, brittle hair. I changed perms and follow the advice on this board. Very helpful. Anybody have leave in conditioner suggestions? /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Welcome mly3e,

Congrats on your hair growth and improvements. I do the ACV rinses mixed w/essential oils and herb water they help with my scaly scalp and seborrhea.
Welcome to the board and congratulations on your hair growth! That is truly amazing.

I'm in NJ - close enough?
welcome, mly3e! and congratulations on that growth. for me, that would be phenomenal. so you go girl!!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Welcome to the board, mly3e. Two inches in two months is great. If you are getting that now, imgine what your hair will be like in Summer when most people experience a suge in growth.

If you like a watery spray in conditioner, why don't you try Elasta H2? It is cheap, but very effective.
Welcome /images/graemlins/wave.gif and congrats on your amazing growth! Like Daviine, I'm a Brooklynite. We're a friendly bunch here, so I know you'll love this board!