HELP ! How do you keep bantu Knot outs & twist outs from FRIZZING ?


Active Member
I tried doing a bantu knot out yesterday on damp hair. I let it dry overnite . The products I used were Qhemet's coco tree ghee & AOHC with some Ecostyler argan gel & a little Aethiopika butter to hold the knots. As soon as i took them out they held the curls for about a minute then started to frizz. In less than 5 " I had an undefined afro on the 4ab sides sides & some curls in my 4a areas. How can I do this without getting frizz? I did do this yesterday when hurricane Sandy was carrying on so the air..even in the house..was a bit humid. I've tried twistouts before & they've frizzed. Am I using the wrong products? I LOVE Qhemet but maybe I need to try something else. Or maybe it's my hair texture: my hair is a thick,very soft fine kind of 4a with tight curls. It looks great with Kinky Curly.. a lot of little coffee stirrer/knitting needle sized curls. It's the kind of fine hair that would not hold curls ( before it broke off & fell out)when I had my one & only relaxer as a teen decades ago. When pressed it came out as "blow hair" which held curls better with curling irons..but can't take too much heat. Curly perms were ideal for my hair type.
What do you ladies use to avoid the dreaded FRIZZ ? What products or home made recipes work best ?