help using ovation cell therapy


New Member
I just wanted to say thanks first of all for your help. I posted last month about hair problems and have been deep conditioning and co-washing; my hair seems to be in better condition. Ok on to my query: I've been reading past threads and have decided to use Ovation Cell Therapy to help with growth. I know I have to put it on my scalp but since my sides are shaved and the hair is growing in, how will I rub the OCT into my scalp without getting it on my hair? Should I just forego the sides? Also do you use oil with the OCT?

Also, can I also get recommendations on a good gel? I use Let's Jam but it has parabens, and the Eco Styler gel leaves my hair too stiff and gives me flakes. [Sorry for the all the questions, I just want to make sure.]
