

New Member
Hi. I am new to the site. I have been natural since Mar 07. I have been using kinky curly products. My hair was growing wonderfully but seems like it has just stopped. Can anyone give me any hair care advice. I also just started using castor oil as my pre shampoo conditoner. Any advice is appreciated.
How long does it appear to have been stopped? Are you taking pictures to track your progress? Have you changed your diet/exercise/drinking habits? Has your shedding increased/decreased?
I'm not really taking any vitamins, I start to and then I just stop. I haven't been keeping track of my progress. If I strecth it out it is almost shoulder length.
My diet has not changed and my hair seems to be shedding a lot more than it was when I cut my hair. My last trim was in November 07.
Hrm, if your hair is shedding more, and it seeems to have stopped growing, I would suspect that a healthy bit of your hair might be going through a shift from active growing to resting/shedding......

I don't know if there is really anything that you can DO about that - assuming that's whats going on.

Keep taking care of your hair, take care of your ends, try to trim as little as possible, and it'll start growing more again.....