

Active Member
So upon my hair research, I stumbled upon some information about henna. According to what I've read, it can be quite beneficial to the hair but very messy. I am unfamiliar with this and wonder if it's worth trying to do. I am not really the DIY type but am trying to get over that with this new hair journey. So have you done henna? Do you think it was beneficial? Any other thoughts/ comments about it is also welcomed. Thanks!!


Well-Known Member

january noir

Sunny On a Cloudy Day
Henna can be messy when you first do it, but the more you do it, the easier and more controlled it becomes. I've been doing 2 step process with henna and indigo since 2007 and I won't ever stop. It is so worth it for me.


Well-Known Member
I'm the opposite from January Noir.....I tried it many times and don't consider it worth it. Here's why:
- I'm 75% gray --henna and indigo--required two step process often resulting in reddish brown results
- drying--gray hair is already brittle--with henna you really have to pump up your moisture game

Best results were achieved with Henna pre-mixed bar from the (natural soap store found in malls??) It is mixed with conditioners and added weight to my hair.