How do you choose a color developer?


Well-Known Member
I want to dye my extensions using the ombré effect. I don't wanna go way dramatic like honey blonde or anything, but I do want to take it up a couple notches. My extensions will be 1B. How do I choose color developer levels?
Depends on what level you're going for. So the hair is probably a level 1 or 2. Can you post pics of your desired color?

Say you want it to be a level 5 (light brown). First you'd have to buy a level 8 color (assuming the current color is a 2) and a level 30 developer.

A 10 volume just allows a deposit of color. A level 20 will lift 1-2 levels and a 30 will lift 2-3. You dont want to use a developer any higher than that. If you did want it to be blonde you could do a bleach and tone.

Are your extensions already color treated? If so then you have to use bleach anyway.