How long do you give a product?


Well-Known Member
When you're trying a new product---shampoo, conditioner,moisturizer, whatever it may long does it take you to decide that you like it or don't like it. How long do you give it before you make a final decision on it?

For shampoos and conditioners , I pretty much judge upon first use. I think some people wait a few days/weeks/monts to see cumulative benefits. If I'm not crazy about it, I generally just use it just to finish it up. For moisturizers, I just use them randomly until they're done.

What about you?
I'd say a couple of times. Usually like you said you know the first time wheter it "wows" you or not. But sometimes when you use it the next time in combo with different products you get different results.

When I first tried the scurl I hated it, but since I bought it I decided to try again and the result was different.

Go figure.

Plus I heard people here say that they found stuff in the cabinet that they had'nt used, and decided to try it and they liked it.
I have to agree with both of you:

With Conditioners and Moisturizers, I can tell right away from the first application if my hair likes it or not.

With "stimulating oils" I like to try to give them about 2 or 3 months before I can make a true assesment of what it did for my scalp.

For Vitamins, same thing. I like to give vitamins about 4 months before I can really say "it did something for me".
I ditto on the conditioners because I know my hair is going to respond quickly to the effects that can work for me. My carrot oil for example, I bought it last week and immediately knew that my hair would react to the moisturizing and softening attributes.
I'm glad you asked that, Daviine. Good question.
I usually give shampoos and conditioners one try (two if I really want to like it).

I usually give moisturizers a few tries.