How Long has it been Since Your Last Touch-up?


wow! 26 weeks!! Way to go girl!! How much newgrowth do you have? I am trying to wait at least 3 months till I get a relaxer. It's been a Month ad almost 2 weeks so far.
Last time I went 19 weeks, and I vowed never to do that again, but now, I'm going on 11 weeks, and this really seems like a piece of cake. I'm supposed to go at the end of the month, to make 14 weeks, but I might try going around 20 weeks again. I can do it
. I say that now, but by 20 weeks, I'll probably be
6 mons.!!!! i know i'm crazy! i'm not even transitioning. i just have a hard time with relaxers burning so i try to hold out as long as my hair looks fresh and neat. right now i'm living in braid outs so it doesn't matter if the roots aren't straight. i've only experienced a little shedding and my ends are in good shape. wish me luck, i plan to go through to the end of the summer.

I only have about 3 inches of new growth. I just found this board a few weeks ago so i think I would have a whole lot more if I had found it 26 weeks ago. Anyway, I am ready for a relaxer but am afraid of my beautician overlapping with my previously relaxed hair and having my hair break off!! I am trying to find some threads on protecting my relaxed hair. Can you help?
You may be able to purchase Affirm Fiberguard at

Douglala, after 26 weeks, there should be a clear line of demarcation between the relaxed hair and the new growth. I normally wash and do a protein treatment at least a week before a touch-up. About four-three days before the touch-up, I apply a conditioner (I use Affirm 5 in 1) to the previously relaxed hair strands. This mild protein/moisturizing conditioner is fairly thick and forms a coating to protect the hair from potential overlapping. I base my scalp with Affirm Gentle Assurance a day or two before the touchup. I believe that you should protect your hair and scalp before a touch-up because sometimes stylists do not put anything on your hair or scalp, they just start slapping relaxer on your head.
quote: 6 mons.!!!! i know i'm crazy! i'm not even transitioning. i just have a hard time with relaxers burning so i try to hold out as long as my hair looks fresh and neat. right now i'm living in braid outs so it doesn't matter if the roots aren't straight. i've only experienced a little shedding and my ends are in good shape. wish me luck, i plan to go through to the end of the summer.

sylviaetc...I'm with you on that one!
not because of burning, but because the longer I wait the less chance I have of overlapping and my hair seems to respond better the longer I wait...

Which by the way is going on 7 weeks since I had my last touch up. I usually go 10-12 weeks. Next month I plan to do my next touch up and when I come back from visiting my family in Ohio I plan to wait until December (that will be 20 weeks)before my next touch up. With braids or braid/twist outs I think I can do it. Wish me luck!
Last touch-up April 26th 2003

3c/4a hair type
length : past my neck but not shoulder length yet.
goal: i want my length to touch my bra.

i can about 8 to 10 weeks before a touch.
my new growth is hard to manage afer about 10 weeks.
i have been told that virgin coconut oil will help manage my new growth, so that i can go longer between touch-up.

Does anyone use coconut oil or rosemary oil, and if so can you give me some feedback such has is it light or heavy , and where can you purchase it online. I saw one advertisment for coconut oil for 13.99 for 16 0z. ( is that a reasonable price)

I have not been to a saloon since july 2002. I have been doing my own hair with the help of relatives to trim the ends. I managed 1 and half length of growth since july 2002. Any suggetions to speed up my hair growth.

My regime
Wash twice a week with elsta qp
deep condition twice a week with isoplus
treatment once a month
i do not use curling irons or blow dryers
I allow my hair to dry naturally or if i am in hurry i will sit under a dome hair dryer.
I have been using wondergrow shea butter for about a month to keep my hair mosit.

any suggestions
This is my 9th week - going for 10 weeks but appears I can go longer -- I will see though. My hair is still very manageable -- and I attribute that to deep conditioning and leave in conditioner. I wash my hair at least once a week and deep condition. Condition only wash 3-4 times a week. I have been wearing my hair in single braids, braided bantu knots, in a clip, bun, ponytail -- i've probably wore all these styles in one week.
good luck stormy! i know how hard it is to wait...
so1913: 6 mons. wow another kindred spirit! btw, what do you use for detangling? i'm at my witts end! i've tried everything but they all have this watery consistancy which makes myy tangles worse. i need something creamy that detangles like a creamy leave in conditioner. any suggestions?
I haven't had much problems with detangling. The leave ins I've been using are biosynthesis phinish and more recently Design Essentials Therapy RX Leave in. Have you tried using a rinse out detangler after your regular conditioner and before your leave in? I know Paul Mitchell's The Detangler is pretty good. Other than that, my regular conditioners that I use do a pretty good job of softening my hair so that I don't get too many tangles. Right now I'm using Design Essentials Stimulations. Other conditioners, Biosynthesis Bio Phix and The Jane Carter Solution Conditioner have worked well for me.

Will applying conditions to your hair 3-4 days before a relaxer help keep you from overlapping on the day of a relaxer? I would think that I would want to put that stuff on the day I get the relaxer. Just prior to getting it.
Just want to clarify. Thanx.
8 weeks and my hair is not giving me problems...I am thinking of going natural. I have looked at my hair straight for so many years, I have no idea what my natural hair looks like. I looked at my kitchen (and posted a new pic)...And I was like my hair aint so bad after all!!
It is going on six month for me. I was trying to decide whether or not to go natural. All and all I think that natural hair is a little too much work for me. I think I will return to relaxers by the 8th or 9th month!
Well, I put Affirm 5 in 1 on my hair 3-4 days before because it tends to leave my hair feeling "wet" when first applied. I give it time to dry and form a "coating" on the hairshaft. I I put it on on the same day, I'm afraid that it will break off as the stylist is manipulating the hair because the hair still feels "wet" and limp. If I was coating with something more like the consistency of vaseline, then same day would be fine. I also don't want to risk ant scalp stimulation, too.
It's been 6 weeks and I am going for 3 months, I am getting medium individual human hair braids and Will keep them in for 2 months.
It's going on 6 weeks (it will officially be 6 this Saturday coming), and I am so happy, because I am going to stretch it out to 10, at least I hope I can. This is something I've never done, well not recently anyway. I usually get touch-ups every 6 weeks, no longer than 8. But after seeing how messed up my ends were (thanks for the link Peachtree
), I am going to try and let my hair grow out some more so that I can get an ample trim without it being a dramatic difference in length (hopefully). In the meantime, I am going to crochet my hair at the end of this week, and hopefully I can keep those in the remainder 3-4 weeks.
It's been about 27 weeks...

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Wow! You are a touchup extender supreme! lol
It's been 4 1/2 weeks for me. I have 1 1/2 more weeks to go until my next one. I don't like to go for longer than 6 weeks without a touch up.