How many have returned to shampooing less often after trying


New Member
Frequent shampooing and heavy deep conditioning? Did it just become too time consuming or did it not live up to your expectations? Now that I have my hair dyed black, I will be shampooing only once a week but steaming it and rinsing my hair more often instead. It is too blasted cold here in the winter to keep up a more frequent routine as I find that it takes up nearly 3 full days a week to shampoo, do a 2 hour conditioning, air dry and then steam it and airdry and steam it and airdry: It cuts into my other activiites too much and it is not giving me more radical growth. My scalp just feels like it needs a rest!!!!!!bonjour


Well-Known Member
Mahalialee4 said:
Frequent shampooing and heavy deep conditioning? Did it just become too time consuming or did it not live up to your expectations? Now that I have my hair dyed black, I will be shampooing only once a week but steaming it and rinsing my hair more often instead. It is too blasted cold here in the winter to keep up a more frequent routine as I find that it takes up nearly 3 full days a week to shampoo, do a 2 hour conditioning, air dry and then steam it and airdry and steam it and airdry: It cuts into my other activiites too much and it is not giving me more radical growth. My scalp just feels like it needs a rest!!!!!!bonjour

I'm reducing my daily conditioning washes to 1 to 2 times a week. Mainly a result of the cold weather and I want to limit the manipulation of my hair.


Well-Known Member
I condition wash once a week. I simply do not have time during the week to give my hair the care it needs start to finish. When it starts to get close to wash day. I add ample moisturizer (Dudley's PcA or Elasta Recovery + Elasta Mango Butter)and bun it up!


On Cloud 9
I've always shampooed every week and CW once a week. I may shampoo twice a week depending on how dirty my scalp is from exercising.


New Member
I do my washings by seasons. In the winter when I'm not in braids I will shampoo & deep treat once a week and do co-washes once a week. In the Spring I shampoo and deep treat 2 times a week and co-wash twice a week and in the summer I shampoo/treat once a week and co-wash every other day to boost growth and keep it moist.


New Member
bajanplums1 said:
I condition wash once a week. I simply do not have time during the week to give my hair the care it needs start to finish. When it starts to get close to wash day. I add ample moisturizer (Dudley's PcA or Elasta Recovery + Elasta Mango Butter)and bun it up!

Same here--- I do not have time during the week anymore to do the entire process of wash day hair. My hair has gotten longer and thicker and I baby it like crazy from start to finish on "hair day". I shampoo and deep condition or condition wash and deep condition one day a week. NTM Silk Touch Leave In Cream, ORS Olive Oil Lotion and Profectiv ANti Breakage Strengthening Mega Moisturizer help me make it to "hair day". :)


Well-Known Member
Being in the South, cold weather is not a issue. I still cond wash several times a week and clarify about once a week.


Reclaiming my time
After trying different routines I always go back to washing & conditioning once a week...I just want to leave my hair alone :)
I wear it down for the first few days and towards the end of the week I'll clip it up. Simple!


New Member
Mahalialee4 said:
Frequent shampooing and heavy deep conditioning? Did it just become too time consuming or did it not live up to your expectations? Now that I have my hair dyed black, I will be shampooing only once a week but steaming it and rinsing my hair more often instead. It is too blasted cold here in the winter to keep up a more frequent routine as I find that it takes up nearly 3 full days a week to shampoo, do a 2 hour conditioning, air dry and then steam it and airdry and steam it and airdry: It cuts into my other activiites too much and it is not giving me more radical growth. My scalp just feels like it needs a rest!!!!!!bonjour

I stopped doing poo and deep cond a looooong time ago cause it takes too long and too much time. the only time i do a deep cond is when i remove the braids so like every 2-3months. what i do is wash my hair every 3days one is just a rinse i love that more than the cowash to avoid build up and when i had braids in for more than a month and too much growth i cant cowash anymore just rinse and the 2nd wash is cowash (only during first month in braids) i can now be done washing my hair in less than 10mns instead or 3 hours


Well-Known Member
I paln to cut back to weekly a condition wash using light conditioner and braid spray (instead of plain water) once I get my braids next weekend. :)