how many ladies are taking Nioxin 2x day


New Member
I just started taking Nioxin recharge complex two days ago but I'm only taking it once a day and would like to know if I should take it 2x daily for the vitamins to work better/faster. Any advice?


New Member
I am taking two nioxin vits a day, just started about 4 weeks ago.. and have good growth. I exercise and eat pretty healthy too, and also I get a nice growth spurt in the summer. So I can't honestly say it is just the vitamins.


New Member
growinlong did you start with one tablet a day?
Is it safe to take two when it is recommended to take only once. I want to take two tablets a day but I'm concerned if I overdose or get any negative reaction from doing that.


New Member
I've been taking Nioxin 2x a day for 4months. I don't track my growth so I don't know how many inches I get, but I get a lot of growth. I cut my hair to necklength in March and i'm now past shoulder length, approaching APL.

All I can say for sure is I've experienced no negative effects.