How to take a progress shot

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An example of a really good progress in the mirror shot is Mz. Princess' siggie. Notice the over the shoulder close to the head technique? I do not question her length at all. Her back is straight, she is not tilting her head.

Kudos, Mz. Princess!

Another good one is Frizzy's siggie picture. Self taken at arm's length. Straight head. Beautiful!
i like to see consistency...

like same pose same shirt same hair type deal.

like if you do a wet check, try and stick to it, if you have a shirt that makes it easier to see body marks on you then keep with that.

that's what i try to do. it may not be perfect but i'm usually consistent. i do wet shots so that i dont have to flat iron (i wear my hair curly most of the time) so its easy. but i dont claim it til i'm flat ironed. i also try to wear the same shirt placed in the same spot so that bsl, mbl, and wl are easier to view (at least i've convinced my self it is lol). i also place my hands on top of my head to a) stop the slouching (bad posture, i'm working on that) and b) it helps define where wl is on me since i'm chunky :D lol

so bottom line, if your consistent, then no matter what weird thing you're doing, if you do it in every shot then we can compare shot to shot.... that make sense?
I would add when comparing length, make sure you're wearing your hair in the same way. If the original hair shot is a curly style then the comparing shot should be a curly style also otherwise it is difficult to assess true progress. Although I feel the best progress pics should be done on straight hair.
An example of a really good progress in the mirror shot is Mz. Princess' siggie. Notice the over the shoulder close to the head technique? I do not question her length at all. Her back is straight, she is not tilting her head.

Kudos, Mz. Princess!

Another good one is Frizzy's siggie picture. Self taken at arm's length. Straight head. Beautiful!

i noticed that! i wish i had seen it before i did my apl thread in dec 09. it took me forever to try and get a pic, and by the time i got it, one shoulder was higher than the other, cuz i was tryin to lower it so people wouldn't think i was shrugging, but i couldn't lower the other one cuz i was tryin to hold the camera up. so i ended up lookin crooked like a hunchback or someone with untreated sculiosis (no offense to anyone). yeah, i really could've used that method in her siggy. :nono: :rofl:
An example of a really good progress in the mirror shot is Mz. Princess' siggie. Notice the over the shoulder close to the head technique? I do not question her length at all. Her back is straight, she is not tilting her head.

Kudos, Mz. Princess!

Another good one is Frizzy's siggie picture. Self taken at arm's length. Straight head. Beautiful!

That's what I'm talking about. It ain't that difficult folks. Just stand, point, then click and you have clear and accurate progress picture.

I also agree that it helps if you can wear the same shirt or bra in all progress pics and wear your hair in the same style. This way all factors are constant and the only variable is your hair. This will produce the accurate progress of your hair.
I think this is something that needs discussing.

For the sake of this discussion, short hair is nape/neck or shorter. Long hair is shoulder or longer. If you're somewhere in between, use your own judgment.

*sigh* Yeah. I am gonna be the one to say it.

Seriously. IS this a discussion or is this a way to make people feel bad, insecure, intimidated and ridiculed. I thought the object of this sort of board is to provide support for each person's personal journey. Am I being naive in thinking that this in not a competition that could deem someone as "cheating". What the?! Is there anyone really conspiring to "cheat" anyone, let alone themselves, for the sake of....of what? What's the prize again?

There was a thread like this when I first joined a couple months ago and I wondered why this person felt she had the right to suddenly impose rules to the game when a person's photos are really for their own comparisons. So what then for the ones who hesitate to fully participate because they feel uncomfortable with the condition of their hair. Now they have to worry about your approval or disapproval of their own comparison pics? Their mirrors? Whether their bras are clean?! Really? You're saying you didn't know that was a cheap shot? Really??

Listen, I haven't been on this board long enough to find anyone above reproach. Or anyone so beloved that I'm going to blanketly cosign slights disguised as helpful how-tos. What makes any of us perfect? Certainly not our hair, which may or may not have come by the same path that someone else's does. Neither does our own proclamations. *shrugs* :nono:

Photo suggestions would be appropriate. But some of the shiznit being said is uncalled for. Really? You're judging bras now? (I'm just floored by this one.) Is it really up for your approval or can we all just be supportive? Or not? This could have been a positive and helpful post that encourages others to participate instead of brining opportunity for others to throw jabs too. (oh, you know who you are. Don't get mad now.) SMDH. :nono: NObody here is perfect, so please quit making yourself feel better by making comments at the expense of others.

I see that some posters tried to redeem the topic with actual helpful tips but really, can we just stick to being supportive?

*sigh* I think I'll edit my next pic with a crayon. *shrugs* Will that really impact anyone else's life? Really? :nono:
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