I Could Use Some Advice. . .


New Member
I relaxed my hair two weeks ago using Optimum Bodifying relaxer for fine hair. I put it on and smoothed thru it took about 30 mins to do all this but once I had dryed I noticed that I had wavy NG still and I was 4 months post. I wana have straight hair not texlaxed hair so what to do?
Oh-oh...there was a post earlier today or yesterday where someone mentioned after they relaxed their ng was still kinda wavy.

They said something about when they stretch for longer periods of time the relaxer doesn't take as well...dunno

I don't think there's much you can do until it's time to relax again. Wait...let's wait for the pros to chime in. Maybe they have a solution to correct the process :perplexed
I've heard of this as well...why in the world would the ng be harder to relax just because one has stretched for a extended time? Did you clarify before the relaxer? You can do a corrective with a lye relaxer (don't know if no lye works for this) but you should probably wait a week or two and do a strand test beforehand so you know how long it takes to get it straight.
Lisana- I did clarify and do a protein treatment b4 I relaxed and I only put protection on the relaxed ends only.

Madam- I have used this relaxer b4 but thinking that it was a mild I thought it wouldnt matter if left on a little longer. Me thinking it would still straighten. I have fine hair and this is the first time in my relaxed life that I have had thick looking hair. It is fine though (cant handle high heat, too many chems., cant comb while wet, etc.) but I did have a lot of NG.

Imma have to go up a strength. Quick question: When I relax next time should I apply relaxer to the "wavy" hair also? Thankx yall!
If you do a corrective, as suggested, make sure you coat your (already straight sections with some olive oil or conditioner or neutralizer or something to to keep that part of the strand from over-processing.
If by corrective you mean as after I relax, as I smooth, should I smooth relaxer down the underprocessed parts? Can this be done with a no-lye relaxer? (Cuz all I have in my hair is no-lye.)