I did it and now im kicking myself...


New Member
i pressed my hair myself and now its very dry, breaking and thin.... my own fault of course I attempted to make my hair look bone straight.

Well I need help you guys, I basically need to know how to get my hair back to good health, what should I do? how should i do it?

Also im trying to find the best way to roller set, as this is the way I want to straightening.

Thanks so much
Are you natural? Have you washed the press out yet? How long has it been since you pressed it? I would suggest regaining your hair's moisture. I would do a few heavy deep conditioner sessions with a homemade steam treatments. What deep conditioner are you using? I would also do a mild protein treatment to strengthen the hair strands and then follow that up with a moisturizing conditioner.
Yes I am natural, I did it yesterday and plan to wash next week.

I am using haywain silky deep con its great, I pre poo with hair mayo condition then wash with always.

Do you have any tips on how to maintain my hair in between rollersets?

Im not sure if its worth trimming my hair, already did twice.... its just seems so thin and dry.
i agree with loulou, i would start with a dc now instead of waiting. but since you are going to wait you could moisturize your hair and seal. when i pressed my hair i moisturized with cd healthy hair butter and sealed with castor oil. coconut oil is a lighter oil that is moisturizing.

also, when you wash your hair i would suggest using a sulfate free shampoo at least until you've regained your hair's moisture and using cowashes inbetween shampoos.

to maintain rollersets i would moisturize and pincurl nightly. these are my suggesstions. hth :)
How about a protein treatment followed by a moisturizing conditioner? Also, don't forget your heat protectant when pressing. Sorry this happends. Hopefully, when you wash your hair will revert as normal.
I've never done a roller set, so no advice there. Good luck!
hiya thanks ladies, but I dont know what kind of moisturizers to use on pressed or roller set hair, that does not make it revert- any suggestions?

I need to get tools for a roller set, uno hood dryer, rolllers etc, it would be great if anyone could help me out with this?

hiya thanks ladies, but I dont know what kind of moisturizers to use on pressed or roller set hair, that does not make it revert- any suggestions?

I need to get tools for a roller set, uno hood dryer, rolllers etc, it would be great if anyone could help me out with this?


I use kinky curly knot today leave in as a moisturizer, then seal with coconut oil
hiya thanks ladies, but I dont know what kind of moisturizers to use on pressed or roller set hair, that does not make it revert- any suggestions?

I need to get tools for a roller set, uno hood dryer, rolllers etc, it would be great if anyone could help me out with this?


I usually rollerset every 4-5 days (and DC every wash). Since I normally rollerset to straighten my hair, I preserve it by pincurling, or wrapping. Once my hair starts to revert I just keep it in braidouts until the next wash. Or you can re-wrap the hair, tie it up with a scarf, and sit under the hair dryer for about 15 minutes to refresh the style. As far as moisturizers I take a dab of Africa's Best Olive Oil DC, Organix Coconut Anti-Breakage Serum, and a little EVCO and apply throughout my hair (but be careful with the amount of cond. you use because it is water based). Apply only enough to moisturize your ends.
I know this is hindsight but next time DC and then use a heat protectant. I make my hair Straight and it doesn't come out or snap at all. It's all in the technique and maintaining moisture levels.