I Envy Relaxers/Texturizers?!


New Member
Ok heres wasup. I just decided to go all natural right? This is my 7th week into my trasition. MY hair dressers from the past 10 years have tried there best to help my hair stay healthy in relaxers but in the long run they all just ended up like "crash and burn!" and so I just officially joined this forum today after about 3 weeks of reading up on others posts and fotkis and stuff...but I see all these ladies who have such great success with Relaxers and Texturizers and have NEVER had problems with them and Im like. WHAT?! I can never ever go back to chemicals , they just seem to team up and work a conspriacy on my hair. I'm happy that Im transitioning for good but I just loved the freedom a relaxer gave me. Have any of ya'll felt a lil bit jealous of those who succeed in relaxers/texturizers? :confused:
Well Welcome! I'm sorry you'll feeling angst about the whole relaxer/texturizer thing, remember having chemicals brings on it's own problems too. I think with all the naturals on this board you won't run out of healthy style options and how to care for your hair. Right now I'm texlaxed, but I do feel that "the grass is always greener" sometimes too.
Alli77 said:
Well Welcome! I'm sorry you'll feeling angst about the whole relaxer/texturizer thing, remember having chemicals brings on it's own problems too. I think with all the naturals on this board you won't run out of healthy style options and how to care for your hair. Right now I'm texlaxed, but I do feel that "the grass is always greener" sometimes too.

Thank you for understanding. It helps to know that I'm not alone....:)
Welcome sunshyne_krissy don't be sad, you'll find here all the support you need to help you find what really works for your hair:wave: just be patient and have a wonderful hair journey!
I don't envy folks who successfully wear relaxers and texturizers because I was one of the ones who did wear a relaxer for 20+ years with little breakage and pretty bad hair care practices.

I went natural because I wanted to be natural. It was 100% my choice, and it make my transition and my natural journey (so far) that much sweeter. :love:

Actually (and I'm not being facetious when I say this) I feel a little bad for the folks who go natural because they HAVE to, rather than because they WANT to.
Cheleigh said:
I don't envy folks who successfully wear relaxers and texturizers because I was one of the ones who did wear a relaxer for 20+ years with little breakage and pretty bad hair care practices.

I went natural because I wanted to be natural. It was 100% my choice, and it make my transition and my natural journey (so far) that much sweeter. :love:

Actually (and I'm not being facetious when I say this) I feel a little bad for the folks who go natural because they HAVE to, rather than because they WANT to.

I hope I wasn't misleading everyone when I say that I envy those who can relax there hair hassle free...I LOVE the fact that I made the decision to go natural because I know its best for my hair. But I just wished that my relaxer had worked out better for me because I adored the benefits it provided: tangle-free ( I AM SOOOO TENDERHEADED!!)..LOL
I totally feel you. I envy the ease and sometimes the look of relaxed hair. I am natural now because I love it, but there are times when I miss having chemicals in my hair. My hair is uber thick and curly. I find it hard to part and style. That is because of my own inexperience. I know that if I relax it, I'd miss my curls. :) You will find that in time, this will be the case for you, too.