I got a convertable! What to do with hair? Sun protection?


Well-Known Member
So...it was was just too cute and I got it! I need a plan, though, for my hair. Anyone have any ideas or pics of cute headscarves? And super sun block too! I usually wear hats and stay out of the sun, but I couldn't resist this cute little zoomy car. Yes, I know it's a first world problem, lol, but help!


Well-Known Member
It's a first world problem indeed but its the cutest thing I read all day! I don't have any advice as I don't have a convertible but I honestly would just let my hair blow in the wind and enjoy every minute of it. Enjoy your new ride OP!!


Well-Known Member
^^the idea of hair blowing in the wind is great, but...I can just imagine rolling up to wherever I was going to with my hair in it's own gravity, lol. I think I'll have to lock it down...


Well-Known Member
Congrats on your new car! I've had two convertibles and I used to keep extra bobby pins and hair bands in the console. You DO NOT want your hair blowing in your eyes blinding you. I used to use the bobby pins to at least pin the front and sides.

Shades also help cause you can make sure the sides of your hair are behind them.
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