I heard something on the radio that was so shocking I started to pray in the car


New Member
:nono: There are people who are being persecuted for believing in the Lord Jesus right now. Jesus said that there would be some who would be killed because of their faith in Christ.

But specifically in India, there are women are being raped, forced to eat cow dung ( this is to cleanse the person from Jesus), and a pastor was burned down in his own church building all because they are believers.

So I prayed for God the Father to intervene, but the thing that made me the most upset is when the announcer said for folks to call in and say something I dont remember exactly. There was this women who said, "I would just like to say that Obama has been a great man, and we need to offer up a word of encouragement for him."

At that point I turned off the radio:wallbash:, because I was so angry. There are people who are believers of Jesus Christ( our Hope, our Salvation) who are being killed and raped. And this women wants to exalt, Obama?

These are the last days when believers cannot see how the enemy is destroying lives and would rather give praise to a person who cannot save you.

God I give you praise and I pray that you give every believer the spirit of discernment and that we always keep our eyes on you.
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He is our soon to be president and the bible instructs us to pray for our leaders. Part of the reason why we are to pray for our leaders is so that they will not allow to happen to us what is going on in India and other non-Christian parts of the world. Look at Daniel 3. Not only did God save his believers, but they got promoted by the un-godly king. The bible tells believers that we will be persecuted because of our belief in Him. I agree with you that the sufferings, torture, murders of Christians world-wide is abominable. However, you said in your OP that you did not hear specifically what the radio person wanted people to call in about.
...the announcer said for folks to call in and say something I dont remember exactly. There was this women who said, "I would just like to say that Obama has been a great man, and we need to offer up a word of encouragement for him."
I suggest that praying for our new president elect is ever so slightly more tangible to this caller that you are angry with than what is going on in India. All believers everywhere should pray for all believers everywhere but this caller was not wrong in any way, shape or form for encouraging Mr. Obama as opposed to Christians in India. I support your outrage, but honestly, unless that was the topic, do you think that she even knows what is happening to Christians outside of the USA?
I also believe in praying for our leaders. I'm sure Obama would make a fine president. I wasnt trying to say we shouldn't pray for him. I was saying that I was upset because of the persecution and the fact that this person who called in just had total disregard to what is going on in India and would rather praise someone who has nothing to do with it.

that's all
That's ridiculous! The show was about india, and she called in about obama? there's a time and a place for everything, and right there and then was NOT the time to bring up this nation's events.

forcing people to eat cow dung? i can't imagine. india's going on my prayer list immediately.
I agree with you coco because basically if i heard that on the radio I would never be so ignorant as to call up and discuss an irrelevant topic. Yes , our president elect needs prayers but whats that have to do with the price of tea in china???
Basically, to hear that just made me think about the book of revelations..its all there.
India is in my prayers as well!!
Wow at the caller. I'm not surprised at the persecution abroad or otherwise. In America if you tell folks you love God and want to seek his face it scares them away which often times is a beautiful thing. LOL I found a great tactic for the devils to stay away from me so I can grow.
Wow at the caller. I'm not surprised at the persecution abroad or otherwise. In America if you tell folks you love God and want to seek his face it scares them away which often times is a beautiful thing. LOL I found a great tactic for the devils to stay away from me so I can grow.

You are so right, start talking about God all the time and the right people will fall away. The ones who don't need to be there anyway.