
I got my highlights done yesterday and I wanted a darker caramel color-not blonde. The color came out way too light for me and now I don't like it at all. need some suggestions on how to fix the highlights and make them darker. Could I get Jazzing or Henna or something like that? I really don't want to put anymore chemicals or permanent color in there. Ladies, please help me!!!!
Hey sweetie, well sorry to hear about your permenant color. But the good news is it should be verrry easy to cover them. all you need is to pick up any color of 'rinse' that you like. Or you could do Henna, IF you want to add redness to it. and because your hilights are light, the color should easily take. You can either get a cheap rinse at a BSS, or you can order something like sebastian colourshines. And you'd just have to commit to coloring your highlights maybe every 4weeks or so to keep them the dark color that you like. goodluck!