I need prayer WARRIORS I feel like I am cursed


Well-Known Member
I had to start a thread on this one because it is really bothering me.

I was dating this man off and on for 3 years and always had such a crush on him and felt like we were meant to be together. We always remained friends and I thought we had a mutual respect for one another. I prayed to God and said Lord if we are meant to be together then I will wait for him to reach out to me and make that move. So in September he hits me up and asks me to attend this event that he is having so I'm thinking this is the Lord's will. He's telling me how he wants to settle down and get married, he's going to therapy to work on himself, wants to give his life back to Jesus. When we were together it felt like a dream. He was asking me what types of rings I liked and how he wanted to make me happy.

One night I get these texts at 2am from some woman saying how he is her man. I ask him about it and he admits that she was a woman he was dealing with and that it was a mistake. The first time I spoke to him about it calmly but THEN I kept getting phone calls and texts and pics with him in her bed. So I started getting mad at him like obviously he is lying to me about his relationship with this girl or else why is she harassing me. I kept asking him to just be honest with me and tell me the truth and stop lying. Recently he text me saying he doesn't want to deal with me anymore because he doesn't want any drama. I'm the one full of drama?!?

I don't know why I am making myself feel guilty for being angry with him about it. What could I have done differently? Thinking maybe I should have handled the situation more calmly then he would have wanted to still speak with me. I should have just cut him off before he had the chance to drop me but I wanted an explanation so badly. It hurts and I feel so rejected. I've continued praying about it and still reading the bible. I haven't stopped doing that but I just feel like maybe I was in this situation because of my own fault. Or God is allowing me to go through this pain and its frustrating. Today was the first day in weeks that I haven't cried about the situation. Its sad to think that I'll never speak to him again because I thought we would always at the very least have respect for one another.

I actually believed that me and this guy were going to get married. He had all the things I "wanted" he wanted to give his life back to the Lord, successful, attractive, came from a decent family. All the other guys I've met are either ugly or they don't have their finances in order, or there is no chemistry. I've been single for 2 years and it gets really hard to keep going. Especially after feeling completely rejected after this whole situation.

Praying to move on from this situation but it has really effected my self esteem. My last relationship before this I ended it because the man was cheating on me and I found out because the woman called my phone and told me. Why does this keep happening to me?

My dating experience has either been an ugly unattractive guy who I have no chemistry with but is crazy about me or some guy I really like seems like he is into me also claims to want a future but is seeing some other chick. Why is it so hard for me to find someone that is attractive, has himself together, and can be faithful to ME? Am I asking for too much?
life is not smooth sailing, there is always going to be bumps in the road. I'm not religious but they say "God doesn't throw anything our way we can not handle" he knows our strengths. maybe by you going through this heartache will put the right man in your path to help you through this. or maybe the man is right under your nose and you dont even know it
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he wanted to give his life back to the Lord,

There it is right there... the bolded. God has freed you from a counterfeit. The two of you were not equally yoked in the first place.

mscurly, you are not cursed. This word 'cursed' is thrown out way too easily and more times than not. Know This Loved One that it's not the issue nor the rhyme nor reason that things have not worked out.

Again... you are not cursed nor will you ever be...the Blood of Jesus' removed the curse of the law from each of those who have received Him as Lord.

Plain and simple you got caught up with the wrong man. It's not the end of life...Trust me! Any man who has a woman calling other women to ward them off of 'they' (dey) man (kang :look:) is not to be mourned over. Let the Good Lord bless you with the real man that He has ordained for you.

I'm just saying. Why even share her 'bed bugs' that he's been sleeping with her in? Just resume your life...get yourself prepared to for Mr. Right Man and never ever look back for God is bringing him right before you, a lot sooner than it seems.

Feel better and make a point to do so. Don't even think about shedding another tear for any of this. It's a wonderful "LLL" -- life's lesson learned.

I had to start a thread on this one because it is really bothering me. I was dating this man off and on for 3 years and always had such a crush on him and felt like we were meant to be together. We always remained friends and I thought we had a mutual respect for one another. I prayed to God and said Lord if we are meant to be together then I will wait for him to reach out to me and make that move. So in September he hits me up and asks me to attend this event that he is having so I'm thinking this is the Lord's will. He's telling me how he wants to settle down and get married, he's going to therapy to work on himself, wants to give his life back to Jesus. When we were together it felt like a dream. He was asking me what types of rings I liked and how he wanted to make me happy. One night I get these texts at 2am from some woman saying how he is her man. I ask him about it and he admits that she was a woman he was dealing with and that it was a mistake. The first time I spoke to him about it calmly but THEN I kept getting phone calls and texts and pics with him in her bed. So I started getting mad at him like obviously he is lying to me about his relationship with this girl or else why is she harassing me. I kept asking him to just be honest with me and tell me the truth and stop lying. Recently he text me saying he doesn't want to deal with me anymore because he doesn't want any drama. I'm the one full of drama?!? I don't know why I am making myself feel guilty for being angry with him about it. What could I have done differently? Thinking maybe I should have handled the situation more calmly then he would have wanted to still speak with me. I should have just cut him off before he had the chance to drop me but I wanted an explanation so badly. It hurts and I feel so rejected. I've continued praying about it and still reading the bible. I haven't stopped doing that but I just feel like maybe I was in this situation because of my own fault. Or God is allowing me to go through this pain and its frustrating. Today was the first day in weeks that I haven't cried about the situation. Its sad to think that I'll never speak to him again because I thought we would always at the very least have respect for one another. I actually believed that me and this guy were going to get married. He had all the things I "wanted" he wanted to give his life back to the Lord, successful, attractive, came from a decent family. All the other guys I've met are either ugly or they don't have their finances in order, or there is no chemistry. I've been single for 2 years and it gets really hard to keep going. Especially after feeling completely rejected after this whole situation. Praying to move on from this situation but it has really effected my self esteem. My last relationship before this I ended it because the man was cheating on me and I found out because the woman called my phone and told me. Why does this keep happening to me? My dating experience has either been an ugly unattractive guy who I have no chemistry with but is crazy about me or some guy I really like seems like he is into me also claims to want a future but is seeing some other chick. Why is it so hard for me to find someone that is attractive, has himself together, and can be faithful to ME? Am I asking for too much?

I've felt the way you feel actually I still do but one thing I can say is that time really does heal all wounds. You need a new man to forget this one but that new man has to be what God has for you. This guy you were with was deceiving you and surely you would not want someone with such a character to be your husband. I cried for years for my ex who cheated and had a child with another woman. It was painful but 8 years later he's still a player, in and out of court with his baby mama cause she's accused him of abuse and all this other drama, he's still doing the same low job he wax when we dated 10 years ago. I look at him now and I see the huge bullet I dodged. You could not tell me he was not the one back then, he was my first everything and I wanted to die when things fell apart. My point is that you will someday look back at your situation and count your lucky stars you did not move forward with this liar. Let the girl fighting for him have him. They will have to deal with his lies and whatever std he brings home. God is good and protects his children so consider this a blessing.
mscurly Shimmie hit the nail right on the head. You two were unequally yoked.

I remember when I was dealing with my "Mr. Perfect" and nothing worked in my favor. He had all the characteristics I thought I wanted. I was so sure that he was the one. I even tried to tell God that he was the one :nono: Literally I was on my face praying for this psuedo relationship to work. I couldn't see it not working out...

Until God finally revealed to me that he was indeed a counterfeit. When we finally had the "I'm saved" talk, his reaction told me everything I needed to know. His lifestyle did not reflect that of someone who was saved. I couldn't see that before because I was blinded by his potential. When I realized we were unequally yoked, I cut off all ties and blocked him because I knew God had better for me.

God has better for you! Sometimes we have to go through things in order to build our trust in Him. I have experienced everything you have written. When God closes a door he is protecting you, and that's not just a saying.

Why would you want this man to continue speaking to you after what he did? The enemy wants you to believe that this counterfeit is God's best for you. It's not! God's best would not be a man who disrespects you. God loves you too much to give you second best.

I hope you feel better! It took me months to finally get over my Ishmael but I thank God for helping me get through it.
I'll pray for your peace but one thing stood out to me..."he WANTED to give his life back to the L-rd." Well, you're G-d's daughter and you need a man who has already given his life to the L-rd and has remained there sufficiently to know His will for his life and how to care for a precious wife. The man simply wasn't good enough for you and you dodged a bullet. It will hurt, but that is life. You will overcome in time. Hugs.
Thanks Shimmie I was hoping you would respond.

Yes your absolutely right we were not equally yoked. I live for Lord and he was "trying" to get back to the Lord. I guess I looked at it like well at least he has the desire because I've met some guys that didn't even have that.

But why would God send me someone like that? The devil has really been coming for me hard lately because the same day my ex who also cheated on me started texting me out of the blue again. I didn't even respond because I knew that was a trick from the enemy to try and hit me at a low point.

I've been celibate waiting and seriously praying for my husband for the last 2 years. I can honestly say I've grown much closer to God during that time but lately it has been getting more and more frustrating. I felt like this situation was a tease.

This situation has really been disappointing but I'm looking at it as God allowing me to go through this so I can let this man go and move on to what he has for me.

I know this situation isn't what God has for me I guess I just needed someone on the outside to remind me of that.
Thanks Shimmie I was hoping you would respond.

Yes your absolutely right we were not equally yoked. I live for Lord and he was "trying" to get back to the Lord. I guess I looked at it like well at least he has the desire because I've met some guys that didn't even have that.

But why would God send me someone like that?

The devil has really been coming for me hard lately because the same day my ex who also cheated on me started texting me out of the blue again. I didn't even respond because I knew that was a trick from the enemy to try and hit me at a low point.

I've been celibate waiting and seriously praying for my husband for the last 2 years. I can honestly say I've grown much closer to God during that time but lately it has been getting more and more frustrating. I felt like this situation was a tease.

This situation has really been disappointing but I'm looking at it as God allowing me to go through this so I can let this man go and move on to what he has for me.

I know this situation isn't what God has for me I guess I just needed someone on the outside to remind me of that.

God didn't send him, Babygirl... :nono:

Remember these words that Jesus spoke to Peter?

'Simon, Simon'... Indeed, satan has asked for you for he desires to have you and to sift you as wheat"


I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.”

Luke 22:31-32 KJV

Sweetheart, Jesus has 'prayed' for you.... JESUS has prayed and who better than Jesus who IS the Master and the King of Prayer. :love2:

And because He -- Jesus -- has prayed for you, it is beyond guaranteed that you are healed from this experience, for Jesus has prayed that your faith should not fail and when you have 'returned to Him (moved past this issue) .............. 'strengthen' your brethren.

You have been made more than a Conqueror through Jesus Christ who loves you. Jesus would never 'send' anything like this into your life. Instead, He prays for you to strengthen you and to bring you back stronger than ever.


So! The answer to this situation
You are not cursed. I responded in your other thread but I didn't elaborate. I was in a similar situation to you with my ex bf. I prayed him back into my life. God told me no. I asked him to show me and he did. He sent him back into my life and it was clear as day that he was not the one. The issue was not other women but that we were unequally yolked.

You wanted him back into your life and I think that you wouldn't have settled your mind until you got that. We are taught to walk in faith and not in sight, but because we are flawed as humans it is not always that simple all of the time. Though it should be.

The Lord showed you clear as day who this man is and what he out to do. The devil is often disguised. He comes in fine robes and clothing and is out to deceive.

Continue to grow in faith and trust that God will send your mate to you, he wants what is best for us. Trust and believe in that. Thank God for his wisdom and for allowing you to see the unseen.

Pray for your ex. Pray that he will be a better man for the next woman who comes into his life. *hugs*
You wanted him back into your life and I think that you wouldn't have settled your mind until you got that. We are taught to walk in faith and not in sight, but because we are flawed as humans it is not always that simple all of the time. Though it should be.

The bolded is true. During our off times I would still think of him even though I was dating other people.

I know I'll be ok just need time. Now I can't even think about giving my heart to another man right now let alone marriage.