I really love my hair!


New Member
I noticed a few threads about natural hair lately and I just wanted to proclaim that I love my hair to death and I could care less what the world thinks about it (my natural tresses). Everyone should love themselves regardless to what others may think, even though at times thats difficult. Just wanted to share my hair luv! Thanks! ;)
Life as a natural is hard man, but I must admitt I love the versatility. When I am not as heat obessed I think I will appreciate my hair more.
I absolutely agree with you. I was talking to my husband about this. I love the fact that I'm not like everyone else and that I can stand out no matter where I am. I also think that when people have negative comments about our hair, it's just that they are probably jealous that they don't have the guts to be who they REALLY are and learn to love and accept themselves as God intended.
I absolutely agree with you. I was talking to my husband about this. I love the fact that I'm not like everyone else and that I can stand out no matter where I am. I also think that when people have negative comments about our hair, it's just that they are probably jealous that they don't have the guts to be who they REALLY are and learn to love and accept themselves as God intended.
I think youre right (about the bolded part.) I never thought of it that way.
naturallady said:
I noticed a few threads about natural hair lately and I just wanted to proclaim that I love my hair to death and I could care less what the world thinks about it (my natural tresses). Everyone should love themselves regardless to what others may think, even though at times thats difficult. Just wanted to share my hair luv! Thanks! ;)

ditto, ITA
hopeful said:
Ditto! Btw, your hair is very pretty naturallady:).
Thanks Hopeful! I have been admiring your fro for quite some time now!

So1913, your hair is always fab, so I dont know what in the world you talkin about! ;)
I love my hair too but I have a confession to make, I'm secretly jealous of you natural sistahs right now! Especially during the summer months, I love seeing cute afro puffs and twists!
I love my natural hair too! :love:

And I love the natural hair of all of you beautiful ladies! :Blush2:
I'm loving my hair too; shrinkage, naps, frizz, and all! BTW, who gave this thread a low rating? Why can't we say we love our natural selfs without being hated on? Dang.
jngn said:
I'm loving my hair too; shrinkage, naps, frizz, and all! BTW, who gave this thread a low rating? Why can't we say we love our natural selfs without being hated on? Dang.
The same way someone gave this thread a low rating, is the same way I ignore people who down natural hair and call it ugly and what not.
jngn said:
I'm loving my hair too; shrinkage, naps, frizz, and all! BTW, who gave this thread a low rating? Why can't we say we love our natural selfs without being hated on? Dang.

Somebody who hates their natural hair and feels they were delt a bad hand...they probably cry out "Whhhy God oh whhhy, did you you do this to me!!!" when the new growth starts peeking through...probably on their knees right now repenting for all their sins hoping they wake up the next morning and God has lifted his punishment....but get mad cause their "naps" are still there, unchanged.

Just kidding!!! :-D

Girl, ignore the ratings ;) They don't mean much.....until a thread is rated by at least 51%, the majority of the membership, it really doesn't carry much weight for me.
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naturallady said:
I noticed a few threads about natural hair lately and I just wanted to proclaim that I love my hair to death and I could care less what the world thinks about it (my natural tresses). Everyone should love themselves regardless to what others may think, even though at times thats difficult. Just wanted to share my hair luv! Thanks! ;)

I agree your hair is very pretty. I can't really see your pics but what kind of accessories is that on your braids?

Oh and don't worry about the ratings, for every 1 person rating this thread a 1 star you have 3 people rating it a 4 or 5.

I love your hair, too, Natural...

I hate I "fell".

Well, it's hard getting off crack!

6 months sobriety almost killed me, though!


Hey 1913, what happened with your hair? Ya'll had a fight? LOL!
I'm staying Natural. Yes, it's triple volume with all of the humidity, but I can't go back to the damage that I caused with chemicals and other hair straighteners like Vigoral, which literally 'ate' my hair. :( That stuff almost made me bald. :eek:

I learned the hard way that there is no such thing as a 'kiddie' perm. It's all harsh chemicals. I can't believe the torture that I was putting my hair through all the years of trying to have 'bone straight' hair. It's just not worth it.

I love the natural texture of my hair. Plus it's less work. Thank God, all I do is wash and go. :lol:
MizaniMami said:
I agree your hair is very pretty. I can't really see your pics but what kind of accessories is that on your braids?

Oh and don't worry about the ratings, for every 1 person rating this thread a 1 star you have 3 people rating it a 4 or 5.
Thanks Mizani! Those are wooden beads on the ends. Here is a better pic of it.

But really though. 1 star ratings dont bother me. Whenever I see someone rating a thread one star, I rate it a 5 star to balance it out!
Blossssom said:

I love your hair, too, Natural...

I hate I "fell".

Well, it's hard getting off crack!

6 months sobriety almost killed me, though!


Hey 1913, what happened with your hair? Ya'll had a fight? LOL!
Thanks Blosssom! Dont beat yourself up! Sometimes it takes "crack heads" (no pun intended) a couple of tries before they can let it go! :lol:
yes, i love being natural too!! i never felt this way about my hair before relaxing, or during relaxing. i think this love also comes from just growing up and learning to love yourself no matter what. some of my family talked smack about my hair then and since i was young, i wanted them to like it. but now i couldn't give 2 ______ (fill in the blank) what they think. i seriously felt once i cut off the last of my relaxed ends, i cut them and their old school negative ideas of beauty out of my life. i felt so light and free! now, my hair is an extension of my personality. when i'm happy it's very happy...my friends told me this! it's unique, it makes me, me! no regrets whatsoever.

i'm glad to hear everyone's feeling thier own hair too!
I love mine too! :D

I like having so much versatility available to me and caring for my natural hair has become very simple.
ITA - I do like my natural hair. I have had my hair like this for a while and for me I just find it a lot easier to maintain. I am definitely glad for my progress up to this point. No matter what LHCF has made my natural hair progress even farther.
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i think its weird how naturals say they stand out as natural...reaosn being, its the way we were born, it should technically be the norm!

in England theres lots of natural heads about, especially in my area. so i'll fit in just fine thank gawd!
Same here. After 11 years, I still love my hair. Sometimes I hate it, to be honest, but that's only on the days it doesn't want to cooperate with the program (meaning, I'm too lazy that day to do what needs to be done....:D)

Waht's funny, I find that it is still trial and error for haircare products. Being natural can really turn you into a full blown PJ. No joke.
I really enjoy my hair too.

I was at Black Expo today with two of my oldest friends--one has below APL relaxed hair and the other has below shoulder relaxed hair. One friend is a hairstylist, so we all hung out while she washed and flat ironed their hair yesterday so it was "swanging." :D (She wanted to do mine too, but she only had shampoos with SLS, and I couldn't figure out what I wanted done).

Anyway, point is that here I am with my short nappy coils along side two beautiful heads of long relaxed hair, and my hair held its own. People said "I love your hair" and one woman asked me if I went to the shop to get my hair like that.

Being at the shop yesterday reaffirmed how thrilled I am to be able to shake and go at home. I sat under the dryer with them for a few minutes for fun, but I didn't miss the wash, deep condition, dryer, back to the bowl, back to the dryer, to the blowdryer, to the flatiron, to the marcels.
My hair is texturized, but I :love: it to death. But I loved it even when it was all weird. Just the way I was raised I guess. :perplexed