I tried the cinnamon pre-shamp treatment


Active Member
I absolutely loved it!!! It was a bit messy, but well worth the benefits.
i changed the forumlation a bit, i used 2oz's olive oil, squeezed in some honey to the heated olive oil and added the cinnamon powder so that is completely covered the oil (maybe a tablespoon used)..... basically i'm not sure about the measurements

then i mixed it in a spray bottle and added 1 oz of hot water and shook everything together.. i tried to spray it on like i do w/ my other pre-shamps, but the consistency was like flan.. so i had to pour it on my scalp and used the rest on my hair... I left it on for 10-15 minutes and messaged it (the lil granules on cinnamon were sooooo exfoliating). I rinsed it lightly and continued with my c/o wash routine.

I noticed that my hair felt super moisturized after using this, i hardly lost a hair and my notorious sore spot has been eased big time. Plus my hair was left with a light cinnamon scent, which smells soo good!

I love this soo much.. i plan on alternating it with my regular olive oil pre shamps
mmmmm is cinnamon powder the same thing you get at the grocery store. i always see the conditioners with cinnamon in them and i remember when i used to put cinnamon and garlic and rosemary oils in my hair and my hair grew. i havent tried this in some time but i may have to revisit this. thanks for the review. do you think you could use it as a deep conditioner? God bless you all.
yes its the smae cinnamon from the grocery store.
Azul, I personally would not try the mixture i listed as a deep conditioner. I think it prepped my hair for the ultimate moisture retention, but as my last product before a rinse, i give it a no no. You can try adding cinnamon to a conditoner you already like, maybe a leveled teaspoon or something. I hope this doesn't get like olive oil for me.. I add OO to everything!!!

In addition my friend clued me in to a method that her stylist uses.. she basically buys a cheap conditoner ( i used tropical milk and honey which i purchased for $1.25 at 17oz's) and adds oils and other things to it to make it work. since nothing is really being lost, i think i'll add cinanamon to this also, b/c i use the milk and honey for my first c/o lather.
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beana3 said:
I hope this doesn't get like olive oil for me.. I add OO to everything!!!

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Girl you sound like me! I add olive oil(or my pomade melted down) to everything!
I'm gonna have to try the cinnamon, mixed with oilve oil and blackstrap molasses as a pre-treatment.
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I'm gonna have to try the cinnamon, mixed with oilve oil and blackstrap molasses as a pre-treatment.

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Sweetcocoa, girl, you read my mind
Yea, you do add olive oil to a ton of stuff...so cool!!!!!!!!!!

You are cooking with spice, lol! Yesterday, I mixed my Pantene conditioner with a TBS of ground cinnamon. Applied the mixture to my hair, massaged it in for 3 minutes, and rinse. It feels so refreshed and alive, that my hair is screaming for more. I never knew something that you use in cooking can give you a therapeutic effect in your senses and hair. Great idea, beana!
thanks babycurls, but i can't take credit for it.. it was in another thread (sorry i cant remember the name now). But isn't it soothing??? I mean my scalp usually is horribly sore in two areas and yesterday i had no such feeling and today i feel it creeping back up but tomorrow is wash day anyway...

I didn't know cinnamon was so therapeutic! i truly loved my results. since the pre-poo was kinda messy i think adding it to my condits may be a good idea if i want to get the same effects.
its good for the scalp actually, not sure what it does for the hair. its very soothing and puts my scalp at ease