I want these rollers soo bad.


Well-Known Member
I sleep on a lot of rollers and I have yet to find a roller soft enough for me to sleep on. I saw these rollers and since I use flexi all the time I wanted a similar sponge type roller.

Is there any rollers similar to this in different sizes?


Someone using them. These seem like they would be so easy to sleep in. Link
I don't like the style so much, but the roller. I use flexis for soft waves and slight bend to the ends.
unfortunately, i don't use these rollers but just wanted to chime in and say that your hair looks fabulous! :yep:
Have you tried wrap, snap and go rollers? They are long and bendy and have a snap closure. You can get them from Sally's, CVS or Rite Aid.
I got some satin covered foam rollers from a local BSS and also Walgreen's. They're comfy enough to sleep in with no discomfort.
Thanks for the suggestions ladies. The wrap, snap and go rollers seem like something I could use and I have always wanted some satin rollers. I just need a jumbo size.
why don't you just ask her where she get them from or if they are in the states? she may even agree to mail you some.