Is is the sulfates?..........


New Member
I have had a very tempermental scalp for the longest now. I get crazy itchy no matter what I do and I end up washing my hair all of the time because of it.

I have changed the way I wash my hair after reading the Lisa Akbari book, which has helped a WHOLE lot but I am still having problems. I don't really get flakes, my scalp just seems to be irritated. I itch and itch. I occasionally get a little spot of flakes. I also get little spots on my scalp that feel like little scabs; I usually get these closer to touch up time.

So my question to you is Could it just be sulfate shampoo's in general? Like I said, it has gotten better but it still isn't great. I know that this isn't normal. What else do you think it could be? Possible Solutions?
r u using any growth aids? did you notice this since a particular product you may have introduced to your regime?
Nope, it's not the sulfates. My husband started using Giovanni products (no sulfates) and he still gets an itchy scalp. He had his hair washed & conditioned on Sunday (he has dreadlocks) and it started to itch today. I oiled his scalp tonight in fact with coconut oil to relieve the itching.
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I used a combo of sulfur 8 once weekly and coconut oil almost every day directly onto my scalp to cure my itchy, dandruffy scalp I developed after using suave humectant for a few days to cowash. I only did the sulfur 8 once a week at night so the smell wouldn't overpower the senses.
Not sure if it is the sulfates, but I recently had a bout with itchy scalp and I actually scratch sores in head. My nape and sides also came out. For 3 weeks I had no clue what is was until I realize that it was probably an allergic reaction to the flaxseed oil supplements I had just started taking. It initially started as a burning and sensitivity on my skin. But by the time I realized what it was it was too late (I also had sores from where I stratch my skin raw. My scalp and skin are recovering now that I have stopped taking them.
I always had an itchy scalp before I started washing daily...with and without SLS based shampoos.

Since I've started doing itchies, my growth is on point...:yep:

I don't oil my scalp either. Still a good quality, moisturizing shampoo (my current one IS natural, but I've used good quality SLS shampoos in the past) even when used DAILY has tamed my once itchy it could be something other than the sulfates.:ohwell:
Hmm sulfates are a start. Does it happen no matter what products you are using? Was there ever a time when your scalp wasn't like this? Maybe it's a common ingredient in your products that you are having a bad reaction to. It could also be product buildup.

Have you tried oiling your scalp with tea tree oil? I read on the board that it helps itchies.

Maybe you should see a derm and see what they have to say?
I think its the sulfates. I learned this through trial and error. When I get a touch up (neutralizing poo) and when I chelate, the itchies and dandruff come with a vengeance for two weeks. But after those two weeks, not a flake. I just went back to sulfur 8. I use it very lightly once a week, and I am glad I did because I have noticed an increase in growth. No itches, and growth, can't beat that.
Maybe the sulfate shampoo is too harsh for your scalp. Are you using it at full-strength? I always dilute my sulfate shampoo (Motions Lavish)...a quarter size mixed with a few ounces of water shaken in a bottle.
Thanks for the feedback ladies.

I notice this no matter what I use. Its like if I wash my hair in the morning, you can lightly stratch my scalp at night and it seems like I have oily buildup already. This is why I feel the need to wash all of the time.

When I shampoo, I concentrate the lather on my scalp and I use my hands to part my hair and allow the water to reach every section of my scalp.

Do you think that my scalp just naturally doesn't have a high cell turnover rate so the dead skin and sebum just builds up quicker? Do you think I should go back to using a "dandfruff" shampoo?

Sometimes my head is sore from all of the itching:ohwell:

Do you use any kind of spray detanglers after you wash and condition?

I think that could cause some problems of itching and fast build up too.
Me too.... I've been itching pretty bad. I washed with CON then co'd with LTR and I was fine. When I dried my hair (towel) , my scalp itched soooooooooo bad. Then all of a sudden it was fine. I don't itch now but in a few days I know I will.
SLS is an irritant. I wouldnt be surprised if it was the sulfates. Black skin is more reactive to sulfates then White skin and also dries out more.

I noticed when I used sulfates I had a terribly itchy scalp. I would wash and RIGHT AFTER I washed I would see like this white film on my scalp. I think I remember a post that described this and blamed sulfates so I just stopped using shampoo completely and co-washed. Would you believe the film went away. Now I do not use shampoo at all.
Hey Gym... its your big sister, I know it is weird as I am replying to you through you... LOL... anyway I think its something with our skin cause ever since I stopped using sulfates I don't have the dryness issues I was having before with my skin... just saying... I think we can't handle the stripping nature... just like we had to learn that our hair is actually fine I think our skin is more sensitive than not... That's all... LOVE YOU and I won't post anything else until I can find 6.50 and get my own name... LOL....
How's the water in your area? Based on your issue that's the only thing that remains constant. I'm fighting with my scalp now, and i believe its the water here in IRAQ....I think you should try bottled or distilled water and see what happens.
How's the water in your area? Based on your issue that's the only thing that remains constant. I'm fighting with my scalp now, and i believe its the water here in IRAQ....I think you should try bottled or distilled water and see what happens.

Another member just PMed me the same idea just a minute ago. She mentioned how chlorine could also be irritating. I didn't think about it. I don't really have hard water but I think you all are right, it could still possibly be something in it.

I was just on the Malibu 2000 website and I think I might try some of their products. They also have a treatment to use pre and post relaxer that looks good too. Thanks for responding. You both are giving me something to think about that wasn't even on my radar before :lol:
Hey Gym... its your big sister, I know it is weird as I am replying to you through you... LOL... anyway I think its something with our skin cause ever since I stopped using sulfates I don't have the dryness issues I was having before with my skin... just saying... I think we can't handle the stripping nature... just like we had to learn that our hair is actually fine I think our skin is more sensitive than not... That's all... LOVE YOU and I won't post anything else until I can find 6.50 and get my own name... LOL....

:lol: Hey Paula!!!!!!!!!!! :sneakyhug: Whats up Sis! I was just about to call you but I didn't know if you were still up. This is so weird, I am replying to you through myself :lol: Anyway, I got a list of products I was researching tonight so maybe we can get together and go over them. We can call Ally up since we "discuss hair like it was the cure for cancer" :lol: Love you and see ya tomorrow.