Keracare Essential Oils for Hair!


New Member
This product is reeeaalllyyy good. I feel like i'm turning into a spokes person for Keracare products, lol. The Essential Oils and the Oil Moisturizer with Jojoba Oil is DA BOMB!!. I as a product junkie or almost six months and i never came accross products as effective and moisturizing as Keracare products my hair is very healthy and i just wanted to share with you guys.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEee /images/graemlins/tongue.gifarty:
Awwwwwwww Happy Birthday Pretty. I'm gonna have to cop the essential oils and give a try at some point. I'm trying to curb the PJ'ism I've been on of late. Wallet has been getting thinner and thinner... /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Happy Bday pretty!! I use the Keracare Oil Moisturiser too with Jojoba and it is a very very good product. Only thing is i kinda got carried away and used too much. But other than that it is so moisturising. Kercare and Kenra are my two favorite lines /images/graemlins/weird.gif
Happy Birthday!!! Prettyinpink00!!! /images/graemlins/dance7.gif

Yes, I am also a Kera Care, Affirm, Avlon Junkie. I love their products and I can't wait to try the Kera Care Shampoo for color treated hair. /images/graemlins/clap.gif

Thanks for sharing about the oil. Maybe Santa will bring me that too. /images/graemlins/rofl.gif
Thanks Pretty for sharing about the oils. I love Keracare and it is my main staple. They are the only products that truly works for my hair. I said I was going to stop being a pj and stick with Keracare because it works on my hair. I don't have the oil yet but I am getting ready to buy more Humecto b/c I am out of my 5lb tubs and now I have to get the oils.
I'm another KeraCare junkie. /images/graemlins/grin.gif The Essential Oils and Humecto are the only 2 hair products I've used regularly for the past year. The Light Oil Moisturizer is really good as well.
Awwww thank guys/images/graemlins/smile.gif i glad ya'll love it as much as i do. I won't be purchasing any other brand any time soon. Its seriou,s its to he point where i don't even stop at the hair care section in stores anymore PERIOD. I use the entire line of Keracare and Salerm Wheatgerm Mask and i'm loving it.
Happy Birthday!! I love the Keracare Essential Oils too, but where I am it is $15 for a small bottle. I keep trying to mix my own natural oils but I'm not quite there yet. /images/graemlins/think.gif