Kinky Straight Instant Weave Pic Heavy!!!!


New Member
I made a kinky straight instant weave that blends perfectly with my hair.


I didn't want to use heat on my hair to get it smooth so I roller set the front and flat ironed the kinky straight hair.


After taking out the rollers it was nice and smooth and ready to blend with
the kinky straight hair. If you look closely you can see the clip that I sewed onto the wig.


The hair was almost WL. I had it cut in layers and thinned out.

After the cut and thinning. The shortest part in the front is my hair that I roller set.


Close up of the texture. It blends perfectly with my hair. You can see my hair is a little lighter than the kinky straight hair.


The layers are so pretty. See how well it blends with my hair.


I love this hair!!!!!!!! :)

ETA: I especially love that I can put it on and take it off every night and still do my hair care regimen.

More pics here...

ETA: I added pics of the inside of the cap to show you all how it looks. Its post #54
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Very pretty and it matches your hair perfectly. I agree you should do a tutorial! :)

Thanks, I don't have another wig to do a tutorial with. I will just have to take pics of the inside of the cap so that you can see how it looks. I just sewed clips on a LF. That's it. It is very simple. I am guessing you can do the same for a regular wig too. Just cut out a section in the front of the wig and then sew some clips on the inside of the cap.
Thanks, I don't have another wig to do a tutorial with. I will just have to take pics of the inside of the cap so that you can see how it looks. I just sewed clips on a LF. That's it. It is very simple. I am guessing you can do the same for a regular wig too. Just cut out a section in the front of the wig and then sew some clips on the inside of the cap.
I have a synthetic LF that I may try this with when it gets old and ratty. Good idea.
It came out nice!

So did you jut use an old wig and then sew on new hair? Also what brand KS hair did you use?
It came out nice!

So did you jut use an old wig and then sew on new hair? Also what brand KS hair did you use?

Thanks, I don't know what the brand is. It was an KS LF that I had laying around. I got it from my sister but never wore it. I forgot about this wig until yesterday.

I know has kinky straight hair. They also sell wig bases. I was going to buy a wig base and just sew some KS hair onto it but this was a lot easier and faster.
I have a synthetic LF that I may try this with when it gets old and ratty. Good idea.

Yeah give it a try. Oh I forgot to add. I took a sharpie marker and drew the 'u' shape on the inside of the cap, and then took some scissor and just cut out the the shape. After that just sew some clips to the inside of the cap and that's it. It is very simple.
Thanks, I don't know what the brand is. It was an KS LF that I had laying around. I got it from my sister but never wore it. I forgot about this wig until yesterday.

I know has kinky straight hair. They also sell wig bases. I was going to buy a wig base and just sew some KS hair onto it but this was a lot easier and faster.

Gotcha- Now I get it:yep:. I did something similar too.
Oh, so it was a kinky straight lace front that you cut take make a "u" wig by adding clips.

I get it now.