Ladies, I am curious...


New Member
How much as your hair grown since joining LHCF?
Me, 5-7 inches. I am not a fast grower, about average.

If you have been a member for at least a year, have you noticed an increase in your rate of growth?
Me: I have not actively tried to grow my hair in I don't know when, in fact, I usually get it cut!

How has the condition of your hair changed since you joined the board?
Me: My hair is more moisturized, with more sheen and definitely longer.

What is your single BEST tip.
Me: Use absolutely as little heat as possible to style your hair. I use no-heat hairstyling. My hair quality shows the difference.

Thanks, Ladies!
My hair has grown 5 inches since joining LHCF in March.

N/A #2.

My hair is more moisturized, a lot shiner, longer, healthier, thicker, and bouncier!

My single BEST tip is to cleanse and condition well, and OFTEN. That right there could make the biggest difference in your hair.
My hair has grown 3 1/2 inches since joining in January. My goal was to get 6 inches this year so if I get another 2 1/2 inches by December I will be very happy
Sorry I forgot to answer the other questions.....
I don't know how fast my hair grew before because I had so much breakage.

My hair looks completely different from how it used to look, it's shiner, I have curls I never knew about, and it feel much softer

My best tips are to moisturise, avoid heat and overmanipulation
I'm not sure exactly how much my hair has grown since joing LHCF but it HAS grown ALOT! I think mainly because now I am aware of how to retain my growth and not damaging it as soon as it comes in.

My best tip would be to never let your hair get dry/brittle: moisturize often and minimize the use of heat.
How much as your hair grown since joining LHCF?
I have grown and retained about 6 inches of hair.

If you have been a member for at least a year, have you noticed an increase in your rate of growth?
No my rate of growth has always been the same, but Ive learned to RETAIN the growth since being at LHCF.

How has the condition of your hair changed since you joined the board?
Hair is longer, softer, and NO raggedy ends.

What is your single BEST tip.
BUNS!! They work!
Carlie, I agree with you on the moisture.

BG, I would love to bun, but seem to be all thumbs! I am wearing a phony pony, but would love to change up. I can't even pin the fake buns on..wonder what I am doing wrong?
How much as your hair grown since joining LHCF?
It has gone from uneven and dry chin-length to healthy and just brushing ahoulder-length.

If you have been a member for at least a year, have you noticed an increase in your rate of growth?
Nope. Slow and steady it grows.

How has the condition of your hair changed since you joined the board?
Moist and healthy, especially the ends. It is the longest it has ever been in my adult life.

What is your single BEST tip.
Protective styling.