Ladies u do braidouts

sexy c

New Member
For the ladies that do braids outs, I have a quick question. I really want to try a braid out, do u ladies braid ur hair when it is really wet, damp or when after washing and deep conditioning, isnt ur hair very fragile when it is wet, do u cause breakage when u try to braid ur hair when its in that state. Also what do u do with ur ends, do u use a rubber band or roll it up


Well-Known Member
i think you should braid it when it's damp, not totally wet. BUT I have seen people who cornrowed on dry hair and let it in for a week and the braidout was cute. mine came out better when it was damp. they do say when your hair is wet it breaks easier. try it dry first and then see. well when i did mine i was natural so i didn't have to worry about the ends. a rubberband should be fine though. HTH


Well-Known Member
I usually let my hair almost completely air dry and then cornrow it in about 5-6 braids going straight back, I add a roller on the ends and then spritz with my water bottle to make it slightly damp and then tie down with my scarf. I don't like to braid my hair wet. Too much manipulation. :)


New Member
I have always done mine on wet hair, I have not noticed any breakage. I normally curl the ends under with my finger or place a roller on them.


New Member
Just recently I did mine on dry hair. I parted my hair down the middle and made two cornrows on both sides. I curled the braid under with a satin covered roller. Just from the pulling on the hair while making the braid I don't want to do this while my hair is wet.