Listen and Act


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many of us actively listen to God or do we just have monologues barely letting him get a word in edge wise.

If a scripture clearly states something (love thy neighbor), do we say naw it don't say that, it says love them that treat ya good. Is the neighbor treating ya good, ok go ahead and love him.

In what ways do you guys actively listen to God.
I wonder how many of us actively listen to God or do we just have monologues barely letting him get a word in edge wise.

If a scripture clearly states something (love thy neighbor), do we say naw it don't say that, it says love them that treat ya good. Is the neighbor treating ya good, ok go ahead and love him.

In what ways do you guys actively listen to God.

Good thread!

I actively listen to God by reading His Word and through prayer. Prayer helps me to know how to hear the Father's voice, so that when a stranger comes, I don't follow.

God also speaks to me when I worship Him. It causes me to enter into His presence and when that happens, He speaks to my spirit and I am refreshed and renewed.
I look for the Lord's Spirit in everyone and everything. He's everywhere and it is very comforting to me to realize this.
I listen to God by being still. It is in those moments where I am still that I can clearly hear from Him. I have a habit of tensing up when I know I am about to hear from him. Could be fear...I don't know. But I am getting better with that and learning to just have an open heart to hear whatever it is He is trying to say to me.