Loving my hair!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
My hair is growing, growing, growing!!!!!!!! I have gotten into a routine that my hair obviously loves because it is really growing and looks very healthy. I wash my hair on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. On Tuesday and Thursday I use a shampoo and moisturizing conditioner. On Saturday I use Motions CPR shampoo, CPR conditioner, and Moisture Plus conditioner. On Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I rinse my hair then apply conditioner that I let sit for a few minutes before rinsing out. Following each wash/rinse I spray my hair with Infusium 23 then seal in the moisture with Elasta QP Mango Butter. I always air dry. I am loving my hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm happy for you, too. I am now at that loving my hair stage it's now finally shoulder length again, my bangs are past my lips and life is good.
It's only gonna get better with the summer heat coming soon!!!!!!!!
Congrats! I'm happy for you.
The increased moisture makes such a huge difference...
It's only gonna get better with the summer heat coming soon!!!!!!!!

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MsKenesha, I agree with you about the summer heat. If we are getting this much growth now...wait till the humidity(I'm actually looking forward to it) kicks in. I always get an extra boost then. Because it is humid, I alawys keep my hair back...which I know now is good for it.