Man Judge Milian is really letting lady having it


A broke graduate
on relaxing her daughter's hair. Okay let me clarify, the case is about this woman who is suing the salon for burning her daugter's scalp with a relaxer. As the case progress, it comes out that when the relaxer was on the little girl's head, she was crying that her hair was burning. But the sad thing is that the mom didn't get up from her chair to see what was wrong or to stop the process. Her excuse was that she was getting her hair relaxed also. Well Judge Milian was going off that she should be ashamed of her self and also instilling the notion that her hair isn't good enough.
That's ridiculous. I know that trying to deal with a child who has a lot of hair is hard. Trust me; my mother had to live with this, but she would NOT let me get a relaxer and now I see why.

I cannot believe that the woman allowed her baby to suffer like that, THEN blame the stylist :nono: It was her responsibility first, as a parent to make sure her child was not being harmed.
I hope she lost the case. The little girl should not have been getting her hair done at the same time as the mom. I was HOVERING when my daughter was getting a simple wash and deep condition. She should be ashamed of herself.

And go, Judge Milian. I love that woman.
In addition, the mother didn't bother to take her daughter to the doctor to have her checked out. The relaxer that was used, that the mother pushed the stylist to use, is Just for Me relaxer. *smh* Personally I think those things should be outlawed.
GodMadeMePretty said:
I hope she lost the case. The little girl should not have been getting her hair done at the same time as the mom. I was HOVERING when my daughter was getting a simple wash and deep condition. She should be ashamed of herself.

And go, Judge Milian. I love that woman.

She did GMMP. Thannk goodness for Judge Milian.
I agree. If I had my way it would be illegal to have relaxers on a child's hair. Grown ups do what they want but on a young child? :naughty:
This is exactly why I dont think children should be subjected to things like this at an early age. Im not knocking anyone else who decides to use relaxers on their daughters hair but it wont happen with mines :nono: The lady lost the case.

There are so many other things that you can do to a child's hair to make it more manegable. Heck my mom even convinced her co worker to cut her childs hair rather than to relax it. The childs hair will be shoulder length for a couple of years until her daughter can do her own hair.
My baby has a thick head of 4a/b hair and got the nerve to be tender-headed. I wouldn't dare put anything as strong as a relaxer in her head.

Relaxers in the single digits should be outlawed.
I agree ayeshia. When my daughter says something about her hair being straight - asking for me to straighten it, I tell her that her hair is beautiful the way it is. Now that she has finally seen me wear a twist-out - that's the way she wants her hair to look. Now that's what she's bugging me about. There's a lady in the office whose 7-year old will wear nothing but cornrows. She doesn't like her hair loose in a ponytail or anything like that. Her hair is waistlength and her mother just switches up the directions of the parts and styles every 2 weeks. It's all about what you teach your child. Judge Milian was right on the money with her comment.
Okay, this is a sensitive subject for me. Especially when my sis-in-law gave my baby a relaxer while I was on vacation. I have learned to forgive her but there are times when I am combing her hair that I get upset. I feel as though she took advantage of my daughter and she wasn't able to speak up for herself. The urge to beat her down everytime I see her is gone and that's a good thing:)
syze6 said:
Okay, this is a sensitive subject for me. Especially when my sis-in-law gave my baby a relaxer while I was on vacation. I have learned to forgive her but there are times when I am combing her hair that I get upset. I feel as though she took advantage of my daughter and she wasn't able to speak up for herself. The urge to beat her down everytime I see her is gone and that's a good thing:)

Syze6, at least you have this forum and know how to take care of her hair properly.
maybe some one should write the judge and give the address of the forum to that lady
i wonder when it comes on here, i saw the preview yesterday
syze6 said:
Okay, this is a sensitive subject for me. Especially when my sis-in-law gave my baby a relaxer while I was on vacation. I have learned to forgive her but there are times when I am combing her hair that I get upset. I feel as though she took advantage of my daughter and she wasn't able to speak up for herself. The urge to beat her down everytime I see her is gone and that's a good thing:)

:lachen: I remember you telling us about that incident. Glad to know the feeling passed.
I love Judge Milian too! I saw it and she was right on the money. It's a shame that a Cuban judge has to tell a black woman anything about teaching the child to love herself as she is. And the woman was just standing there thinking she was not wrong :mad:
syze6 said:
Okay, this is a sensitive subject for me. Especially when my sis-in-law gave my baby a relaxer while I was on vacation. I have learned to forgive her but there are times when I am combing her hair that I get upset. I feel as though she took advantage of my daughter and she wasn't able to speak up for herself. The urge to beat her down everytime I see her is gone and that's a good thing:)

I remember you writing about that! Just reading it made me :mad: .
I am glad you were able to get back on civil terms with your sis-in -law, and I sure hope she learned a lesson from all that!