Moving Out of My Spiritual Comfort Zone


Well-Known Member
What does it feel like when God is moving you out of your comfort zone? My spirit has been unsettled lately and I feel like God is trying to do something, but I don't know what. It isn't anything big, but it's like the things that shouldn't cause me so much stress are causing me stress and I honestly feel like God is dealing with me to do certain things. It's not a matter of doing what is right instead of what's wrong, it's more like doing something that He wants me to do instead of doing what is comfortable and familiar for me. I've been dreaming more lately and I know that my dreams mean something. I've also taken this month to meditate on Psalm 91. God showed me that that is the scripture he wants me to focus on for the month of August. Could he be moving me out of my comfort zone or am I just stressed out and on the verge of having an anxiety attack?