My daughter's hair


New Member
My daughter\'s hair

Hmmm... where do i begin.

She's 3 (as most of u already know) and i've noticed that her hair has been looking rather dry as of late (near end of day). I wash (motions lavish, keracare detangling or CoN), deep condition (hollywood beauty olive oil, keracae humecto, IC Deep Penetrating Treatment or NTM Hair Masque), with plastic cap and apply leave in (NTM Silk Touch leave-in and Aroscio) no more than 1x per week. Her daily styling (usually ponytails) - when not sporting some moviestar cornrows courtesy of godmommie - consists of:

sta soft fro spray
pantene lite detangling spray
let's jam (light) to tame the edges
coconut oil grease (ends)

Nothing works. Come 6pm her hair looks dry... kinda like the sahara desert (okay im exaggerating but u get the visual). I am at my wits end. I don't want to overdo the products (build-up) esp. since she is so young but at the same time i need something that keeps her hair moisturized throughout the day. Any suggestions?

Also, i should add that about 30 minutes after washing her thick hair is completely dry (and looks dry too). What should i do?

TIA ladies.

btw, i was thinking of restarting the pre-shampoo treatment (olive oil, honey, conditioner and/or Hot Six Oil) and washing her hair 2x a week (poor baby, she's gonna hate me), and adding honey to her conditioner (nexxus humectress). Does that sound good enuf? Do you think it'll combat her dryness?
Re: My daughter\'s hair

I've never been to i dont use all those products listed at one time... it's either 1 or the other (however, i do use all the daily stuff). i don't have organic shea butter (that's what u mean rite?) and have yet to try the homemade conditioner spritz's.... recommend something for me please.
Re: My daughter\'s hair

Hey Caramel I like Dark N Lovely Citrus Braid spray. I dont have braids but its great....keeps my hair moisturized without the grasy feeling! And my hair doesnt feel dry by the end of the day. It works best when the hair is damp
Re: My daughter\'s hair

I think using all those products on her hair may be drying it out.
Re: My daughter\'s hair

CaramelHonee said:
I did see that... just b/c i love ur hair im gonna go and pick some of that up

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Lol thanks
Yeah try it. I wont be too much of a waste if it doesnt work because its not expensive
Re: My daughter\'s hair

i posted some in another thread. i'll see if i can find them. also, feel free to email me. I sent some hair butter recipes to a friend last week and I can send them to you as well if you wish. i also think you should check out NP. many women over there have children and links with ideas/styles/etc. specifically for children. I can also give you a couple of those sites too.
Re: My daughter\'s hair

Also CH do you think that for about a couple of weeks you can just condition wash her hair? (minus deep conditioning and the other works) I was doing a simalr routine to what you posted and my hair was dry too. I found that "the works" wasnt necessary for my hair everyweek
1-2x times a month was all i needed especially for natural hair.
Re: My daughter\'s hair

OK, without knowing much about the stuff you're using (sorry I'm at work so can't read up on them), the first thing that came to my mind is that perhaps you're using sth with protein in it. Protein in a leave-in always leads to hard hair which can feel dry unless it's balanced by a great moisturizer. Another thing to consider is whether the products you are using as moisturizers do actually provide moisture to her hair ie have water as an ingredient. A third thing to consider: even if you wash often or condition often, if her hair has build-up, none of the products you are using will be benefitting her hair so a clarifying wash may help. Lastly (and this last suggestion is from an anti-PJist so feel free to ignore me.
), perhaps you should find a handful of staples that agree with her hair and use only those. I think we cause ourselves more headache when we use too many different things that might be cancelling each other out or at least making it hard to find out what's working and what isn't. OK, I'll shut up now.

Uhmm...I lied; I still have another thought
: Does your daughter drink water? If not, encourage her to do so (mixing apple juice with water might be a good way to get her to drink it -- works for me
) Also, does she take kids' supplements? If her scalp/skin is dry too, I know that does sometimes mean we're missing oils in our diet so supplementing her diet with good oils (like fish oils or flax oil) as kid supplements can help a li'l.
Re: My daughter\'s hair

CH ...

did you ever read what i posted about what glycerine did to my daughters hair? and what some others said about it , my daughter's hair was in the worst shape possible while using a product with heavy glycerine and in worse shape after i took her hair off it (Atlwavylocks coined to term GWS(glycerine withdrawl syndrome) she went through it too)

also the conconut oil grease probably isnt doing much but sitting on her hair, lets jam probably doesnt do much for moisture and the Pantene probably has some protien in it , and the Sta Sotf Fro has the glycerine. so it really could be any of those causing a problem.

everyone has already covered all the things i would of suggested like the natural oils/butters, drinking enough water, and conditioner washes and vitamins.
Re: My daughter\'s hair


I used the following products on my son before we started taking him to the barber:

Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo
KMS Flat Out Hair Prepare Conditioner

I moisturized daily with either Dudley's PCA Moisturizer or Affirm Ferm Moisture Retainer Cream. These two products alleviated the dryness.

You may also want to consider Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter. A lot of people on other sites use this on their daughter's hair with success.

Good Luck,

Re: My daughter\'s hair

CH, I was going to recommend the honey, evoo, conditioner mix. My hair was going back to dry and that has whipped it back into shape like nothing else.
Re: My daughter\'s hair

Thanks everybody...
you gave me some really good ideas.
I never thought that the products i use could b contributing to her dry hair issues...see u learn something new every day

about the water, she rarely drinks it so im gonna try (hard as i might) 2 get her to start. that child cannot stand bland drinks

Keep the ideas coming ladies!
Re: My daughter\'s hair

Caramel my daughter is 5 and her hair is exactly the same. This weekend I wanted to wash her hair but did not want that dry effect afterwards. Usually I would wash her hair and condition it with all the products that give my hair the "FABULOUS" look and her hair does not cooperate (some of the same products you have used). Well I went to the Beauty Supply and decided that maybe she needed her own products so I purchased the whole line of "Kids Organics"(I think that is the name of it
?? It's in a light green and cream bottle. I purchased the whole line - shampoo, conditioner and shea butter lotion. Along with that I got Ultra Sheen grease in the little jar (green) for extra dry hair because my friends daughter hair is also dry after washing and she recommended it. Let me tell you, my daughter's hair did a 360 change!
After drying it was soft, moisturized and I was actually able to comb thru it without all the tears! Her hair is VERY THICK! I think what works for our relaxed hair may not work for their natural and fragile hair.
Re: My daughter\'s hair

I think what works for our relaxed hair may not work for their natural and fragile hair.

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this took me wayyy 2 long to figure out
Re: My daughter\'s hair

CaramelHonee said:
Hmmm... where do i begin.

She's 3 (as most of u already know) and i've noticed that her hair has been looking rather dry as of late (near end of day). I wash (motions lavish, keracare detangling or CoN), deep condition (hollywood beauty olive oil, keracae humecto, IC Deep Penetrating Treatment or NTM Hair Masque), with plastic cap and apply leave in (NTM Silk Touch leave-in and Aroscio) no more than 1x per week. Her daily styling (usually ponytails) - when not sporting some moviestar cornrows courtesy of godmommie - consists of:

sta soft fro spray
pantene lite detangling spray
let's jam (light) to tame the edges
coconut oil grease (ends)

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She sits still during all of that?

Anyhoo- I agree w/the others that using all of those diff products (even though you don't use them all at once) may be counter productive.

BTW-She is absolutely adorable!
Re: My daughter\'s hair

hehehehehe, yeah, my baby's a little trooper. she knows she can't go outside unless she looks 'correct' so it's either sit still and get to go outside or stay in

oh, and she thanks ya for the compliment.
Re: My daughter\'s hair

ayeshia said:
Also CH do you think that for about a couple of weeks you can just condition wash her hair? (minus deep conditioning and the other works) I was doing a simalr routine to what you posted and my hair was dry too. I found that "the works" wasnt necessary for my hair everyweek
1-2x times a month was all i needed especially for natural hair.

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a kid her age needs a good shampooing after she comes home from school
Maybe i can alternate, one week CW, next week shampoo, and so on and so forth. I'll try that.
Re: My daughter\'s hair

Irresistible said:
CH ...

did you ever read what i posted about what glycerine did to my daughters hair? and what some others said about it , my daughter's hair was in the worst shape possible while using a product with heavy glycerine and in worse shape after i took her hair off it (Atlwavylocks coined to term GWS(glycerine withdrawl syndrome) she went through it too)

also the conconut oil grease probably isnt doing much but sitting on her hair, lets jam probably doesnt do much for moisture and the Pantene probably has some protien in it , and the Sta Sotf Fro has the glycerine. so it really could be any of those causing a problem.

everyone has already covered all the things i would of suggested like the natural oils/butters, drinking enough water, and conditioner washes and vitamins.

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nonie & irresistible - she takes a multivitamin daily.

and i didn't read about the glycerin IB, i will do a search for that. i hate the greasy feeling the sta soft fro leaves her hair in BUT at the same time, her hair is so damn soft and easy to comb out after using it. even my girlfriend commented on her hair before she braided it.
Re: My daughter\'s hair

Denali03 said:
Definately the NTM Line especially the leave-in...

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Reading is fundamental
You already use this I see. Well, I don't recommend clarifying since her hair is already dry
Re: My daughter\'s hair

I have the line
well, all except the shampoo.
so no claifying? ok. i'm going to check out the dudley's pca moisture retainer... or maybe just try the elasta line. See the thing is, i didn't want to start something up that would get me back on that pj binge again
See what ya'll done started.
I am thisclose to getting the carol's daughter's products... thisclose
Re: My daughter\'s hair

Hey CH-
Before I forget again, this is what works for my hair..or rather some of the things that I put on my hair.

Using an 8oz spray bottle:
15 drops of Sweet Orange essential oil
1 TB olive oil
1 tsp. Vit. E
1 tsp. Jojoba oil
1 Tb. of conditioner (I like Suave Naturals Coconut)
Shake well before each use

Hair/body butter...
Using approx. an 8 oz. container:
Equal parts melted Coconut Oil, Unrefined shea butter and 1/2 stick of cocoa butter (the amount is up to you...just don't go above half)
~1 tsp. Jojoba oil
~1 Tb. Vitamin E
~1 Tb. Honey
15 drops Lavender EO
20 drops Rosemary Eo
25 drops Sweet Orange Eo
The rest will be Olive Oil

Using a double boiler (a small boiler inside of a large boiler that's filled with water), melt and blend all of the ingredients using a wooden spatular or spoon. When completely mixed, pour into your container. Fill the rest of the container with Olive oil. Put in the refridgerator or freezer and allow it to cool and solidify. When ready to use, take out, let sit for about 5-10 minutes depending on climate and use. If a room is too warm, it will become very liquidy (is that a word). Be careful not to use too much. It's very concentrated.

**Note: You may use the essential oils of your choice. I use these because they are all that I have at the moment. Be sure that you DO use the Rosemary oil. It's supposed to be good for hair growth and the honey works as a humectant**

I hope this helps!
Re: My daughter\'s hair

This is a interesting post. A couple a nights ago I stumbled on a natural hair care site (do not recall the URL) and a stylist was answering questions. She stated that natural hair shouldn't use the same products as relaxed hair. She recommended the Aveda Line (Brilliant and Sap Moss) and the Back to Basics Line. She also mentioned Carol's Daughter products and that the Hair Milk was really good for natural hair.
Re: My daughter\'s hair

Thanks Patience... much appreciated.
I have sooooo many oils in the house i just never thought to put any in my little girl's hair ... DOH!

question tho about ur concoctions. Do you use them everyday? Does your hair feel greasy after using the butter? Lastly, is ur hair moisturized throughout the day?

Re: My daughter\'s hair

MissB said:
This is a interesting post. A couple a nights ago I stumbled on a natural hair care site (do not recall the URL) and a stylist was answering questions. She stated that natural hair shouldn't use the same products as relaxed hair. She recommended the Aveda Line (Brilliant and Sap Moss) and the Back to Basics Line. She also mentioned Carol's Daughter products and that the Hair Milk was really good for natural hair.

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Okay, i need to stop being so darn cheap

Off to the carol's daughter's website... cough cough...that's me dusting off the AMEX
Re: My daughter\'s hair

No problem.

I use at least one of them, the spritz, almost everyday because I rinse my hair daily. I usually wear my hair in a puff and it's just easier to comb when damp. My hair only feels greasy if I use TOO MUCH of the butter. That's why I say to be careful. If you use too much you will have a slightly oily mess (IMO) when the hair'll slide right through and be able to moisturize your legs afterwards. My hair is moisturized and soft throughout the day. This morning I used both and I wore my fro' out. My hair is so soft that I can't keep my hands out of my head...I KNOW I probably look like a hot mess with holes in my fro as my daddy would say...