My eyebrows keep growing back in!!


Well-Known Member
My eyebrows keep growing back in within like 2 weeks after I get them waxed. I usually only get them waxed like once every 6 weeks.I'm taking Biotin and some other vitamins so I figure that must be the culprit. Is anyone else having this problem?
for years i had a part of my left eyebrow that was too light and was sparse. ever since i've been on a higher dose of biotin its grew in and my eyebrows look normal now! (thank gard)

but yes, as soon as i pluck, within 7 days the hairs are re-appearin in force! like out of nowhere. so yes i guess it the biotin.
I've been getting mine waxed a lot more often. I take 10 mg biotin along with the other usually stuff.
Lol well for all of this the hair on my head better be growing as fast as these eyebrows are. I can't take much more of this frequent waxing. I might just clean them up with a razor in between or something.
My eyebrows not only grew in quicker, they extend farther than they used to! The other day I realized I had extra hairs growing at the end of my eyebrows that were never there before :lol: I use those eyebrow clippers from the informercial so I can neaten them up quickly when they grow back in.