My First Bun


New Member
Hi Everyone! Today is Day 6 of my transition from hair weaves to my natural hair. For those of you who don't know me, I took my hair weave out last Saturday after wearing weaves for 2 1/2 years straight.

These past 6 days with this press and curl and all this reversion have been quite a challenge! :nono: But thanks to you all here at LHC, I was able to make lemons out of lemonade so to speak and create my first bun out of all this reversion.

Here's the link:
password: bun

My hair is greasy because of all the natural oils, Fantasia straightening creme, and conditioner I put in (actually I was trying to combat all that dryness from that gold plated Gold & Hot electric comb. I threw the hot comb in the garbage on Tuesday. :yep:) I also picked up a cheap Revlon ceramic curling iron for my bangs and I like how soft and shiny it made my bangs feel.

I plan to "start fresh" tomorrow with a new reggie: Maxtrix Sleek Look Shampoo and Conditioner for coarse hair, an Avocado rinse, Sabino Lok & Blok, and a press with my new Solia Ceramic/Tourmaline flat iron. I'll post before and after pics for my new reggie sometime this weekend! Hope to hear from you soon!
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New Member
Very cute! Plus your hair looks so thick.

Yes, my hair is very thick! In fact, I'm thinking about washing my hair in 8 to 10 sections tomorrow to make it more manageable. This will be my first time washing my natural hair and I'm worried that I won't reach the scalp if I divide it in bigger sections. You'll see my natural hair when I post the before and after shots for my new reggie.


New Member
That curl on the side is so cute!

Aw thanks! That Revlon ceramic curling iron is very good (and reasonably priced)! Notice how straight that curl is compared to the rest of my hair that was uncurled. I think I'm gonna toss my old curling irons and keep this ceramic one.