My hair after the breakage


Well-Known Member
Well, I've posted a couple of pics of my hair after experiencing a set-back & having to cut it. The french braid idea didn't work, so I'm settling for a little ponypuff for now until it grows to the length I want.
PW: lottohair
Thanks you two. It always seems to do better when I threaten to shave it.
I checked out the hair...and I will admit...I had a tinge of jealousy...come up in my throat...or may it was the german chocolate cake I had for breakfast.

Your hair looks fine! I love the length. I also love the style in the last looks like curls in a low pony puff. How did you do it?

I am having the knotting issue too. I know I need to trim but I was hoping to wait until July. I have a feeling though that I may end up pulling my hair out or ripping it if I continue to wait.

A trim is a good thing. Like pruning a rose bush. It seems brutal at the time...but it never fails...the roses come back thicker and overabundantly.

It is neccesary.