My hair saved itself :) What did yours do?


New Member
At the beginning of this year, I was too fed up with my hair. I made a descision to do a big cut in February, and that if my hair wasn't a certain length in December to totally take a step down from trying to grow it out.

I started on my hair care journey 2 years ago! The first year, I had damaged hair that I had to grow out, hair that had been relaxed, pressed, curly permed, then pressed again by a stylist.

After I grew that out for a year, all of my nape hair feel out from a flare up of eczema on the scalp. Also, my hair was damaged from that stinking mostion with oil relaxer...

This year, my nape is back in acation, I have no motions hair left. I gave myself a cut slightly above the ear and told myself that if it doesn't reach below the chin by December.... then I don't know what.

:lol: I threatened my hair.

Anyways, it's mid November, and my hair is about 1 inch below chin stretched out. I wish that I could've taken pictures of it in February so that you can see how much it has grown!

Did everyone else have a good year too?
I had a rough beginning in 2005. That was before I found LHCF. My hair had reached brastrap in Dec. 04, but all that was cut by a SHS early January. Then I grew it out again, struggling b/c I didnt know how to keep it moisturized, also with the fact that I had a no-lye relaxer, screwed me over. EXTREME dry hair, plus dry scalp from exercising, not too pretty. Hair grew anyway, to brastrap or close... went to the salon to "treat" myself, and came back with hair 3" shorter :mad: and that's how I found LHCF.

I faced a lot in 2005. Scalp issues b/c of no-lye relaxers, which i've used 3 times. VERY DRY hair, which LHCF helped me with, and not having the right products.

I'd like to say that I'm on the right track now. I do my hair myself. I still combat dryness but I'm working on it. I found a good set of products that I plan to stick to. I'm going back to lye relaxers. I won't go to the stylist often. I'm looking for a place in Miami where they actually TRIM or DUST and not CUT...
I have 4 months to go before being in this journey for a year, and I can't wait to see where I'll be by then :)
The year has been my best ever. I started with a cut to the ears in January. Now in Nov. my hair is at my shoulders and still going strong.
well I didn't come across this community until the end of 2005 and so far it just a trial and error process for my hair: trying to feel what my hair like and what it doesn't. All i can say for now is that my hair is too thick and nappy right now,(which was originally thininning out), but i don't know what to do with it.