Mz.MoMo is BALD!!! Pic heavy


Well-Known Member
As some of you are aware I usually hang out in the longer haired challenges as I wanted to grow my hair as long as possible.

But then about 2 months ago a friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. They took both of her breast and still has to undergo aggressive chemo. She was very brave about the whole ordeal and even shaved her head prior to chemo so the hair loss wouldnt be as traumatic. However all of us here know how important hair can be when it comes to self esteem.

Long story short I decided a few things.
A) Not enough black women donate their hair. not every one with cancer wants straight hair. So I though It was important to donate my hair to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths who provides FREE wigs to women and children with cancer. I've done so much to take such good care of my hair that I feel blessed that I can donate it to someone who lost their hair against their will.

B) My friend has been really depressed because she doesnt have hair any more. She's on a long waiting list for a free wig so I decided I would be bald with her. She;s so uncomfortable with it that she hides from the world now. But when I get back to the states we are going places! Bald and beautiful!!! And I dare someone to talk side ways about us to us... They will have a bad day because she wont say something but I sure will!!!

To me, its just hair. It will grow back. But to someone who lost their hair, its so much more.

So here are the pix. Please be nice as I have ZERO make up on and have not had more than 3hrs of sleep per night for the past week lmao

Starting (didnt comb it, I was lazy lol)





I did the first cut!





I'll post a pic with make up later lmao but here is the end result!!!


No one told me I would get cold when I was bald! I didnt know my hair kept me so warm lmao!!
Lmao would it be weird if when I sent the hair I sent my reggie too so they will know how it works lmao :lol:
awww that was so sweet of you. :bighug: When I sent my ds hair I didn't send a regimen but I did enclose a letter letting them know it was virgin 4a hair that would shrink to 6-7 inches if it got wet but all they would have to do it is blow dry and flat iron it.
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wow so inspirational! i bet u feel very free! lol

I do!!! I didnt realize that my hair was even heavy until it was gone lol

But when I went outside and felt the breeze on my scalp... Well first I got scared, I didnt know what it was. But then I was like


Then I thought

"No, now I have to wake up and put on make up so I dont look crazy" :lol:
Amazing!!! What an awesome friend you are, and I'll keep your friend in my thoughts and prayers.
You are an amazing for doing this for your friend! You look very natural and beautiful btw!

My oldest DD wants to donate her hair so I will have to check out Pantene's Beautiful Lengths.
Wow, this is so beautiful! :cry: What a wonderful friend you are. I will keep your friend in my prayers. I recently had a bit of a scare myself, but I can't imagine what she must be going through.
Wow! I had a friend diagnosed with cancer 4 years ago, so I cut a chunk of hair off in the back as we mourned. Hair just wasn't a big deal anymore. I think what you did is beautiful.
Wow, this story brought tears to my eyes. That is real love that you have for your friend. Hair grows backs, that's a given but this time that you'll have to share with your friend supporting her is priceless. Way to go girl!!!
Wow! My cousin just spent the last year being treated for breast cancer, she also had a double mastectomy. She went through all the same emotions that your friend is going through, depressed and wanting to isolate herself. I will say a prayer for your friend, thank God she had someone like you in her life!
God bless you for doing such a unselfish thing. You are truly a great inspiration to us all and to your friend.
Wow, you are such a wonderful friend. My parent's friend just passed away from cancer (was breast cancer which led to brain cancer).
Thanks for all the support guys!

It feels weird but great at the same time with no hair. When I woke up and ran to the potty to pee I actually jumped because I was so tired I forgot I did it lmao so when I saw my reflection I was like "Oh crap I forgot!!" lmao then I laughed and rubbed my bald head.
First, you look beautiful with short hair. I can see your cheekbones!

Second, you are a wonderful friend to do this. I am sure your hair meant alot to you and you gave up something that is a vanity among women. May God bless you times two for what you have done.

Third, I also hope your friend finds courage and strength through all of this. May God give her peace and good health.
You have done such an amazing thing for your friend and without hesitation or tears. Makes me examine how good of a friend I am and if I would do the same for my friends.
I am on an airplane right now on my way to Washington. I saw the pictures without reading and I almost jumped out the plane LMAO

OMG MoMo you are a true friend! I honestly don't know if I could ever do something so awesome. But you definitely stepped up to the plate. You are truly a blessing. We need more women like you in this world.

I pray that your friend heals from her wounds and her hair grows back quickly.