Any hope for bald sides?


Well-Known Member
So my sides are in terrible shape, not exaggerating. I will be 30 next month and since the 8th grade on the right side of my head there is a bald patch the size of my palm. It's been so many years in this condition that I've given up on it long ago but I would love to one day wear my hair up in a ponytail. The other side of my hair is also bald maybe half of a palm but there is more hair there than on the other side. Since my BC in APril 2010 I have seen some growth, but the growth is more longer hairs in the areas where there was very little hair already. The actual bald to skin spots remain bald. Is there any hope for me? Its been over 10 years of baldness, is it possible to get that back? Is there anything I can try to help with the balding? The balding on the right is the result of pulling braided hair too tight back when they put rubberbands on the hair before putting the extensions in (anyone remember that mess?). Anyway, has anyone ever been severly bald in places like me for long periods of time and turned it around? I read something that said dead hair is dead and will not regrow it too damaged but is this true?
It sounds like you have follicle damage/scarring which is traction alopecia.

You should see a dermatologist first so they can assess the extent of the damage and then take it from there.

many people are going to suggest mtg and the such but I suggest waiting and seeing a MD first.
I have the same issue. I went to the derm and got the shots. Once the hair started growing back, i purchased emu oil and castor oil and rub it on my scalp every night. I'm tracking my progress now.

I thought it couldn't happen because i have been very thin and bald on my temples since childhood(tight ponytails) and then at about age 5 years ago, i got micro braids and that left me really bald. I'm still growing them but it is starting to grow back.
I have the same issue. I went to the derm and got the shots. Once the hair started growing back, i purchased emu oil and castor oil and rub it on my scalp every night. I'm tracking my progress now.

I thought it couldn't happen because i have been very thin and bald on my temples since childhood(tight ponytails) and then at about age 5 years ago, i got micro braids and that left me really bald. I'm still growing them but it is starting to grow back.

What shots do they give you for this? Are they pretty expensive?
Go to the Dermatologist. I don't want to make you fearful, but I believe "better be safe than sorry."

My sister had this condition and refused to go to the doctor. Now she has lost most of her hair and is reduced to wearing a full weave. She finally went to the derm and she's been diagnosed with Scarring Alopecia. Had she gone sooner, they would have been able to stop it from spreading.
What shots do they give you for this? Are they pretty expensive?


She gave me cortisone injections in my scalp. She does 6 rounds. I per month for 6 months. I' ve done 4 so far. I messed up my progress a little bit from wrapping my hair every night. No i just roll my hair and don't mess with my hairline except for massages with castor oil and emu oil.