Natural ladies, do people ask if your mixed becuase of your curly twist out?

I get it some times particularly in the summer when I do wash and goes.
That doesn't bother me though. What bothers me is when people say that my hair is the texture and curl pattern that it is because I'm mixed. These people don't believe me when I say there are plenty of Hispanics with curl patterns outside of the 2 and 3s. Being mixed doesn't predetermine a hair pattern.
Nah..those who dare to ask know me well enough to expect a smart behind response or some type of sarcasm. My co-workers are those who see my twisted hair nearly daily. The most stated responses are.."Your hair is so soft and it is growing so fast." "I never knew you had hair like that." "Why did you wear wigs so much when your hair is so nice?"
I cannot tell you the times I've tried to explain my hair is the same 4b,{ littered with a bit of 4a} as theirs or the regimen of protective styles and wigs but my honest answer falls upon deaf ears....they just will not understand that the relaxed, dry hair they have can be as moisturized and soft as mine with care and daily attention. Yes, I used to hear the mixed comments once in a while but I laughed it off by telling them I am as African linked as they are. I am a rarity at my work site..a 100% Black American-ancestry straight from South Carolina via stolen from Africa ancestors. The funny thing is my East Indian co-worker with beautiful hair always in a protective braid who marveled how I knew about so many Indian hair products such as Keo-karpin, parachute coconut, shikaki, aritha, tulsi, etc.
She is the one who understands that care and the right products can result in manageable hair and never questions my ancestry.:ohwell:

Hopefully when I start getting 'fly' folks will remember the days when I had plaits and folks wanted to question my beedie beads. All I'll have to say is 'remember when I was doing XYZ...well, this is the result" :grin:
^^^^ Fine 4's getting fly? Have you seen your siggy? Girl you did that!

I'm asked all the time if I'm mixed. I thought going natural would stop it, cause I just don't know how you can look at my 4wtf kinks & coils and think I'm anything but Black...but it happens more often now than before. People think I'm half Indian/Chinese/White. The Chinese I get, cause I have slanted, basically non-existent eyes :lachen: White I don't get cause I'm not ghostly light, and I have typical Black features. I understood Indian when I was relaxed, but it stumps me now...if it's not the hair, how exactly does one "look" Indian? :look:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: at the bolded
^^^^ Fine 4's getting fly? Have you seen your siggy? Girl you did that!

Well, I don't wear my hair out like that. That hair was from the salon to the crib and bunned. But next year I'm going to actually wear it out and styled! Honestly, I've been aggressive just to savor the looks on folks faces when my hair is out and full WL....

Not sure the question was more about hair texture or facial features or look after reading the other posts. If so, I've been asked all kinds of stuff like African (Ivory Coast), Cape Verdean (west african island), Haitian, Dominican, Creole (N.O., USA), Philipino (cuz of my extra fatty eyes) and the list goes on...
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I get that question sometimes when I straighten my hair, or wear a big bouncy rollerset. Mind you, I am chocolate brown, with my Daddy's round nose... aka unmistakeably B.L.A.C.K.

The first time it happened I actually burst out laughing, and told the guy who asked that I was mixed with black, black and a little more black.
I get that question sometimes when I straighten my hair, or wear a big bouncy rollerset. Mind you, I am chocolate brown, with my Daddy's round nose... aka unmistakeably B.L.A.C.K.

The first time it happened I actually burst out laughing, and told the guy who asked that I was mixed with black, black and a little more black.

LOLOLOLOL :lachen: :lachen:
Chicago was where I spent the first 12 years of my life. Not one time was I asked if I was mixed with anything. To tell the truth I had no concept of mixed children. In Chicago you were either black or white, there was no in between, not that I knew of. Minnesota became my home at 13, whoa. Look at all the YT people, I couldn’t believe it. The first time one of my peers asked me if I was mixed, I thought to myself, what the h*** is mixed, mixed with what? You have no idea how many times I have heard the jokes about my mother and the white post/milk man, that ain’t your dad that’s just what she told you, and the list goes on. Mind you, my mother is chocolate brown and so is my father. Both my grandmothers are light-skinned black women with green/hazel eyes.

At the moment I think my hair is 4b/4c but I’m not sure. Once I cut of the relaxed ends (Dec 2010) I will have a better idea. Something tells me when that happens I’m really going to have folk asking if I have some close YT relatives.
Chicago was where I spent the first 12 years of my life. Not one time was I asked if I was mixed with anything. To tell the truth I had no concept of mixed children. In Chicago you were either black or white, there was no in between, not that I knew of. Minnesota became my home at 13, whoa. Look at all the YT people, I couldn’t believe it. The first time one of my peers asked me if I was mixed, I thought to myself, what the h*** is mixed, mixed with what? You have no idea how many times I have heard the jokes about my mother and the white post/milk man, that ain’t your dad that’s just what she told you, and the list goes on. Mind you, my mother is chocolate brown and so is my father. Both my grandmothers are light-skinned black women with green/hazel eyes.

At the moment I think my hair is 4b/4c but I’m not sure. Once I cut of the relaxed ends (Dec 2010) I will have a better idea. Something tells me when that happens I’m really going to have folk asking if I have some close YT relatives.

Its the same in my family, my mom and dad are medium brown, and my two sisters are light skinned..... me and my two brothers are medium/light brown (my undertones make me appear lighter in photos).... theres 5 of us and people used to always ask if all we have the same daddy....genetics :rolleyes:
I'm asked all the time if I'm mixed. I thought going natural would stop it, cause I just don't know how you can look at my 4wtf kinks & coils and think I'm anything but Black...but it happens more often now than before. People think I'm half Indian/Chinese/White. The Chinese I get, cause I have slanted, basically non-existent eyes :lachen: White I don't get cause I'm not ghostly light, and I have typical Black features. I understood Indian when I was relaxed, but it stumps me now...if it's not the hair, how exactly does one "look" Indian? :look:

i have been ask if i was mixed before and I have also been asked if i was part indian cause of my twist-out.
I have a light complexion and a curly grade of people just KNOW that I'm mixed or hell hispanic. I am neither. I don't let people know that I'm fluent in spanish either cause then they'll accuse me of lying lol which has happened. I cussed that ***** out good too. Told her I spoke french and some creole too and I wasn't haitian. Black people can't speak more than one language, dontchu know? And we only come in two shades, brown and black. And two grades of hair, nappy and nappier.

(Off topic, if these chicks grab my hair at work ONE MO TIME I'm fittin to bite someone's hand off!!! OMG I LOVE YOUR HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRR *hand goes out, empressri ducks back*)

sorry had to get that off my chest