Naturals-How long does your hair stay (bone) straight

But it seems to me that water based moisturizers cause reversion. I am wondering what seems to work best for ladies that are able to keep their hair straight longer. It would be helpful if you would give some names.

I used evoo or chi silk infusion on my blowout.
My hair stays straight for 4-8 hrs or until I go to sleep when my scalp begins to sweat it out. On Friday I will be straightening for a 10 PM event, i'm sure i'll be on my way back to a fro by midnight.
Mine lasts quite some time except I get the poofiness at the roots and get "big" hair but other than my roots the rest is straight.....if my hair were longer I could put it in a ponytail and would not have the big hair look.

I may need to read the ingredient list of what I put on my hair later perhaps it does have water which isn't helping perhaps I need to stick to coconut oil and EVOO.