Need Help On My Hair's Texture Change


Well-Known Member
Need Help On My Hair\'s Texture Change

As some of you ladies know I have been on a powerful cancer drug for the past 7 months. My current physician (will update you all in the Off Topic this week) has taken me off it as of this past Thursday.

While taking this medicine my hair shed, I lost 4 inches in length and the texture changed. I was told these things would happen and they did. I was also told my hair would grow back when I stopped the medicine, but I would have an overall change in my hair's texture. Before, my hair had a texture like cotton, and I relaxed every 5 weeks (like clock work) because of breakage due to the two textures. Now, I just realized that I'm into my 8th week, and the comb glides thru my hair, even the new growth! Even after I wash there are no tangles,the comb just glides thru. I don't like it. I have these crazy little waves. It's like baby hair, yuck!

Now I am really confused. When do I get a touch up? Should I switch to a mild instead of a regular relaxer?

Right now I just pre-condition, wash, deep condition,put in a leave-in and braid my hair. But it's like (to me) that I have someone else's hair.

Any suggestions?
Re: Need Help On My Hair\'s Texture Change

Do not get a relaxer. My mother had cancer and her hair texture changed as well, we all told her not to get a relaxer, but she is stubborn and did and her hair start thinning and breaking so badly.
She now has a texturizer, but she could have easily gotten her hair straight blowing it out.
Re: Need Help On My Hair\'s Texture Change

Don't relax. It's still too soon. My brother had cancer too and the same thing happened with his hair. He has been in remission for 10 months. He said that others who had it told him that the texture will never go back to the way that it was before. Let it grow out a few more months to get use too the new hair.
Re: Need Help On My Hair\'s Texture Change

wow, your story reminds me of a deceased g/f that i had. she had tumors at the base of her head and when everything was over her texture changed as well . she went from coarse, thick, healthy hair to silky, fine but thick, healthy hair. her doctor advised her on everything she did including giving her the green light on getting a perm. just consult w/your doc
Re: Need Help On My Hair\'s Texture Change

ITA. Don't relax right now.
You're system has been through so much - you can just never tell how it will react.

Learn to work with your hair this way for now. I'm so glad to see you posting.
Re: Need Help On My Hair\'s Texture Change

My mother had cancer she just went with the new texture and never did anything else to her hair. when she passed away everyone thought she had a texturizer.

My aunt didn't relax her hair for a year after finishing her treatment. You have to give your body time to adjust to the chemical changes it is going through. now she has a beautiful head of relaxed hair.
Re: Need Help On My Hair\'s Texture Change

I wouldn't relax. To me it sounds like you aren't having any problems with the hair aside from the unfamiliarity of it.
Re: Need Help On My Hair\'s Texture Change

Pleasse do not relax your hair right now because it will break off as your system will not be able to take it. My uncle and sister in law both had cancer and their texture changed to straight hair. My sister in law no longer requires a relaxer but her hair is simply gorgeous, 1 1/2 years after her treatments. We also know another woman who got a relaxer too soon after her cancer treatments and all her hair fell out!
Re: Need Help On My Hair\'s Texture Change

the same thing happened to my aunt. Her hair grew back fine and glossy silky curls. If you put a comb thru it and let go the comb would fall to the floor because there was absolutely no resistance. We were dumbfounded.
Re: Need Help On My Hair\'s Texture Change

Thank you all for your advice!

I think I will just keep washing and conditioning for now.