Need Prayers for My Daddy


Well-Known Member
I need all of your prayers for my Father Ira, he had a stroke in December 05 and another one several days later which left him unable to speak or walk. He is able to move his left side but not his right.

I am praying for a miracle that he will be able to speak and walk again and God give me the wisdom to help him get out of a nasty nursing home my brother put him in. This is a very sad story I feel so sorry for my dad, but I know he will feel and get better soon.

Thanks for all your prayers.
So sorry to hear this news. Many blessings and prayers be unto you and your father.

I hope that his physical condtion improves for the better soon.
Thanks MonaLisa, he will get better I know, I just want to see and hear him laugh and walk again!!!
I sent a prayer up too. Let's bombard Heaven with prayers on Ira's behalf. GOD is a healer and HE definitely answers prayers!!

GOD bless you and your family.
