New growth madness....


Well-Known Member
What products/techniques do you use to 'tame' your new growth. Once I get about 1 inch of new growth on my 4B hair it makes my hair look horrible, expecially the front and the side. It makes a simple bun look bad and a roller set look puffy. Lucky for me I can go 6+ months without a relaxer and not suffer any breakage but my hair does NOT look good. But my question is, how can I get my new growth to look tamer? straighter? just get it to lay down, and stay down.
You can try blowing out your roots. I occasionally do this on the cool setting so that the heat won't damage the hair. I have also found that just keeping the hair very soft with conditioners helps to keep it down a bit. When I do a conditioning treatment I focus on getting the heavy conditioner on my new growth so that it will sort of weigh it down and make it stay that way.
Yes, the cool blow dryer is good for a quick fix but after I take my 5 minute walk 2 work it poofs right back up again (it is still how where I am and will be for at least another month).
Do you use any sort of product on your roots to keep the roots from puffing up. Maybe you should try to play it off as body.
how do you dry it? When my roots are likely to puff up.. I dry my hair with a scarf on it... or in a ponytail to get the roots to flatten out a bit. I also found coconut oil helps.
Yes, I am really looking for products that can aid in flattening the new growth. Coconut oil sounds like something I may try. Are they any other products out there that people have used successfully.

Where can I find unrefined coconut oil online?

Love the flat twist idea. I was just thinking about that this morning. I think I may have to wear the flat twist style until I can find a product that work. I cannot keep walking around with my hair looking like this. Thanks!!
I have the same problem that you are experiencing douglala with poofy new growth. I tried coconut oil. It worked ok, but I had to use a lot to get the new growth to lay down which left it too oily. I now just started using Qp's mango butter. So far so good! It seems to lay my hair down, smells good, and doesn't feel greasy.
Right now unrefined coconut oil is very hard to find online and off. They did this study that claims that Coconut oil is good for people with thyroid problems so they went out and bought it all. Well to make a long story short good luck finding it online. Your best bet would be to go to some of the foreign stores and whole foods stores and try to buy it.
how do you dry it? When my roots are likely to puff up.. I dry my hair with a scarf on it... or in a ponytail to get the roots to flatten out a bit. I also found coconut oil helps.

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I use a scarf (with my hair in a bun) after I mist my air dry hair with distilled water (mixed with essential oil or leave-in conditioner) followed by WGO or Wondergro Shea Butter Mega Moisture Fine Mist Oil.

What type of hair do you have?


The scarf thing does work if I tie my hair down after washing but I need someway tame the new growth for my rollersets and braidouts