New Years Challenge Check Up #1


Beauty and Fashion Junkie
Here we go again. Discuss your progress and spread support. You can do it!

Me== My hair is getting longer but breaking splitting and shedding so next weekend I am going to get an aphogee treatment and a trim. I also ordered garlic shampoo in hopes it will stop the shedding. How are things going for everyone else?
Hi Luvhair:

Count me in! I had a relaspe in the spring & summer so my hair took a dive; right off my head!!! I've gotten back on track. I'm taking my vitamins & drinking my protein tofu smoothies daily and washing twice a week. But I'm reverting to pooing once weekly. It works better for me. Nightly messages while inverting my head off the bed for 5/mins. is something new I'm adding.

What stopped my shedding was going back to EVOO pre-conditioning (I sit under a heating cap for a half hour), shampoo with Aubrey Organics Rose something shampoo, every six wks apply: Nexxus Emergencee Protein Reconstructor & sit under the heating cap again for 20/mins. (in btwn. Nexxus reconstructor treatments; I use Cathy Howse's reconstructor recipe) Finally, I apply a combination of moisturizing conditioners: Loreal Mega Moisturizer & Aphogee Intensive Two Minute Keatin Reconstructor and sit under the heating cap for the last time for 30/mins. Then, I leave the conditioners on all night and rinse in morning, in the shower. I know this is a lot, but it's stopped my shedding.

I hope your plans to reduce shedding works. I'm wishing the best for you! Good Luck!
Well I know my hair is growing--I can tell by the coily new growth
I just bought a relaxer today and my mom will put it in for me on wednesday or thursday (I head back to school friday). I'll be able to really "see" the growth then. I'm still working on finding the best product to keep my ends smooth and moisturized.
I'm still taking the same vitamins: biotin, b complex, and multi. I got some Hot 6 Oil today
I'm gonna put some in tonight before bed and see how my hair turns out tomorrow.
I'm in.

My Good Points are:

1. I am a moisture freak, so that has not been an issue
2. I've been doing great on my water intake again FINALLY
3. I've been working out (cardio) daily
4. I have been consistant with my products and have not been switching up.

My Challenge Areas:

1. Starting on September 4, I have been consistant with my vitamin intake. NOT MISSING A DAY!! This is going to be a big one for me, cuz how can I assess something when I try it for two weeks on, then 3 weeks off???

2. Not cutting. I get very OVER analytical about my hair, then I start doing everything short of looking at it under a microscope (and YES I was gonna buy one at Toy R' US), and then I start thinking "I think my ends are damaged, let me cut"..... so no more of that.

3. I need to start taking more consistant and better progress pics so I can see what's really going on, and finally get some photos in the album.

I've decided that the most consistant way to wear my hair for these pictures is wet. And I'll take them once a month, at the very least once every two months.

That's it. I'm really interested in seeing how these vitamins work (especially MSM) when I stay consistant. I know I was consistant with a poor brand of MSM, so I didn't see much. I'm hoping that with a better brand, I can see some "growth spurts"!
This challenge is going pretty smoothly for me. I'm just taking it one day at a time, being consistent with my bun, washing, conditioning, and vitamins. I've gotten so used to my routine that it's almost become second nature
. I try not to think about it because I have this theory about things: once you get upset or excited about something, that's when it becomes difficult.
I'm in too.

Well, I've only joined July, but since that time, and after following some the suggestions on line I have about 2 inches of growth. I have also started covering my hair with a satin scarf before going to bed and using reconstructor periodically. I can truly see a difference, not only in the length of my hair, but in how healthy it is. Because I don't want to bother my hair too much right now, I am putting it in braids tomorrow. I will be going out of the country for 6 months and I intend to keep it in braids, unrelaxed, for that entire time. I will pack my deep conditioners, oils, moisturizes, and satin scarf when I go. I have recently bought enough biotin and b-complex to last well past my return date. I am truly excited to see how long it will be by them. I do beed to work on my water intake, because I get a pimple every now and then, which is something I have never had a problem with in my life. I'm glad I read about drinking more water and maybe reducing the amount taken. If the water doesn't work, I will reduce the amount...which might also stop the itch.

I wish everyone luck on their road to longer hair.

This challenge is going pretty smoothly for me. I'm just taking it one day at a time, being consistent with my bun, washing, conditioning, and vitamins. I've gotten so used to my routine that it's almost become second nature
. I try not to think about it because I have this theory about things: once you get upset or excited about something, that's when it becomes difficult.

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You're at the stage I'm trying to get to, SweetPea

You're at the stage I'm trying to get to, SweetPea

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Just try not to think about it. Turn your brain off so to speak. It works, really! As long as you don't see a lot of breakage and you've got a regime that works for you...get in the zone! Ok, now I sound like a diet/exercise ad

It's like I'm sleeping my way through each 10-16 week period and I wake up when it's relaxer time!
Well I am having a hard time not thinking about my hair. I am so tired of it looking like crap because of me loosely rollersetting so as to not put too much pressure on the roots. I also think I am gonna have to go back to grease
. I am also mad that Eluence MB wasn't the bomg for me like I thought it would be.
I can't wait till October, when I'll put in braids and wear braids until April.
Oh i came up with my own ends concoction and it works soo well. THought I'd share the recipe
equal parts
kerastase oleo relax
elasta qp mango butter
profective breakfree
real pure carrot oil
all on moist ends!!-- I washed my hair yesterday and it still feels moist! And I blow/blew dried my hair too!
I'm in too.

Well, I've only joined July, but since that time, and after following some the suggestions on line I have about 2 inches of growth. I have also started covering my hair with a satin scarf before going to bed and using reconstructor periodically. I can truly see a difference, not only in the length of my hair, but in how healthy it is. Because I don't want to bother my hair too much right now, I am putting it in braids tomorrow. I will be going out of the country for 6 months and I intend to keep it in braids, unrelaxed, for that entire time. I will pack my deep conditioners, oils, moisturizes, and satin scarf when I go. I have recently bought enough biotin and b-complex to last well past my return date. I am truly excited to see how long it will be by them. I do beed to work on my water intake, because I get a pimple every now and then, which is something I have never had a problem with in my life. I'm glad I read about drinking more water and maybe reducing the amount taken. If the water doesn't work, I will reduce the amount...which might also stop the itch.

I wish everyone luck on their road to longer hair.


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Hi, mom!
Good Stuff:
1. I've been drinking lots of water and refilling my Nalgene bottle twice daily.
2. I have been consistant with my supplements for months and am eating extra protein lately.
3. I'm bunning up daily, as I can't have my hair catching in my sweaters and my boyfriend's out of town.

Bad stuff:
1. My friend suggested the Motions line, so I product hopped over the weekend.
Still recovering from the protein in one conditioner that made my hair hard and wirey. I've got to stick to what works for ME. Protein --> hard, wirey tangles --> lost hair in combouts.
My hair stylist saw me the day after the Motions fiasco and reminded me to lay off the protein, as my hair was dry.

2. I want my bunned styles to look moisturized, even when I have new growth puffing them out. Mineral oil products like Motions oil moisturizing hair lotion give shine, but are drying and difficult to wash out for me. (They cake down onto my scalp.) Serums give me stiff hair and kinda plaster it to my skull. Right now I'm leaving in Clairol Renewal 5X daily nourishment leave-in conditioner and some oil, but it's not the final solution.
All is well here. I just joined the bun challenge cause I plan on wearing my hair up 100% of the time until I reach shoulder length. I keep my routine simple and use the baggie trick daily along with daily co washes. This seems to be working quite well so far. I like less manipulation. That will help me hold on to as much length as possible!
Hey all!
Well, I haven't been the best to my hair!
I am due for a touchup, so I tend to get frustrated with my hair and do bad things.

I plan to get a touchup sometime this week or this weekend and a professional trim ( I haven't had one since March I've been dusting). After my touchup, I vow to be nice to my hair again!
I will post new pictures for our next check up.
You guys move too fast. New Years??? Can I please mourn over the end of summer first?

I loved summertime. I thought that I couldn't air dry and I did by bunning. Every other day I conditioned washed and poo'ed once a week followed by Africa's Best Herbal oil. Found that in Walmart and I like. I'm a conditioner freak. Always looking for the next best thing. This week is VO5 creamy peach.

I'm also happy that I think I've finally got the magnetic rollerset down. They stay in my hair when I move on to the next section.

I think I have my shedding problem in some control. There is less and less hair in my comb since the birth of the baby. I did a reconstructor, rollerset and noticed less when I combed the curls out. I did like Adrienne did and saved it to take a picture...even the clipped piece which was about 1.5 inches and I'm still below brastrap. Boy it was alotta hair but it still looks thick <knock wood>.

I'm gonna try to start an album. Couldn't find any good pictures with my hair down so I'll start tracking/posting soon.
For the New Year I am planning to take all of vitamins everyday and moisture will be added to my hair everyday. I am also wearing protective styles more often. In December I will be putting braids in my hair that I will keep on for about 5 weeks. I am also taking a protein shake everyday.
dontspeakdefeat said:
I keep my routine simple and use the baggie trick daily along with daily co washes. This seems to be working quite well so far. I like less manipulation. That will help me hold on to as much length as possible!

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I do this too.

I'm also trying to finish up all the supplements I have.
So far, so good.

My hair is stronger, shinier, thicker. It has grown, and is at the base of my neck. It has greater moisture and elasticity, and simply looks and feels healthier and prettier in general.

Well I've been in braids for over a month now and things are going excellently. Although I've been wearing braids for a very long time, this is the first time I've been disciplined in washing REGULARLY and spraying my scalp nightly etc. I have had 0.5" (majority) - 0.75" (that's incredible for me) of growth and my scalp feels so clean everyday. My plans for new years is to just maintain my consistency with this routine.