Newbie w/ a itchy scalp HELP!!!!


Well-Known Member
I’m a “newbie” and have been reading for these threads for awhile.

My question is: Is there any products (minus sulfur 8) that will help me have a healthy scalp. I have a hand in hair problem (scratching, patting, tip of a rat tail, you name it). I might HAVE to go to the dermatologist and get a scalp analyst.

Is there ANY one on this site that has dealt w/ this problem? If yes, how did you battle the itchies? If no, how do you mangage to live w/ a scalp you would rather run away from? :wallbash:
I’m a “newbie” and have been reading for these threads for awhile.

My question is: Is there any products (minus sulfur 8) that will help me have a healthy scalp. I have a hand in hair problem (scratching, patting, tip of a rat tail, you name it). I might HAVE to go to the dermatologist and get a scalp analyst.

Is there ANY one on this site that has dealt w/ this problem? If yes, how did you battle the itchies? If no, how do you mangage to live w/ a scalp you would rather run away from? :wallbash:

I'd suspect that there is something that you are using that is irritating your scalp.

I'd suggest clarifying (with something like baking soda + water), and then using ONE of your current products at a time, to see how your scalp reacts.

A lot of members have found that the sulfates in shampoos are too harsh for their scalps.
I'd suspect that there is something that you are using that is irritating your scalp.

I'd suggest clarifying (with something like baking soda + water), and then using ONE of your current products at a time, to see how your scalp reacts.

A lot of members have found that the sulfates in shampoos are too harsh for their scalps.

Thanks for such a speedy response. At the moment I have been cowashing only every other day. You gave great advice when you said use one product at a time…… But ahhhh, I’m a PJ :blush:.
I agree with the other poster
Check the ingredients in your products
Essential oils in products can irritate the scalp of some people
Some preservatives and fragrances can also cause the itchies
I agree with the other poster
Check the ingredients in your products
Essential oils in products can irritate the scalp of some people
Some preservatives and fragrances can also cause the itchies

I too agree, it's just hard to give up on product cold turkey. I like my hair to be soft and moisturized. I’m just getting into this healthy hair kick. I have been using EO and I hope this is not the cause.
Thanks for such a speedy response. At the moment I have been cowashing only every other day. You gave great advice when you said use one product at a time…… But ahhhh, I’m a PJ :blush:.

Hey and welcome! I have a similar problem. For me dryness=itching.

I've found that I get the most itchiness when I have product buildup...I would suggest laying off the cowashes. They are probably exacerbating the problem. It also helps to lay off the sulfates, unless you are clarifying. They are harsh and make my scalp tremendously dry. If you can tolerate it, I would also suggest that you don't put any product directly on your scalp (like grease and oils). I have also found out that while I LOVE cones hair doesn't. I experience a lot of dryness when I use products heavy in cones. Lastly, it may help if you add a few drops of tea tree or peppermint to you poos and condish' will help with the itchies (at least it does for me).

Hey and welcome! I have a similar problem. For me dryness=itching.

I've found that I get the most itchiness when I have product buildup...I would suggest laying off the cowashes. They are probably exacerbating the problem. It also helps to lay off the sulfates, unless you are clarifying. They are harsh and make my scalp tremendously dry. If you can tolerate it, I would also suggest that you don't put any product directly on your scalp (like grease and oils). I have also found out that while I LOVE cones hair doesn't. I experience a lot of dryness when I use products heavy in cones. Lastly, it may help if you add a few drops of tea tree or peppermint to you poos and condish' will help with the itchies (at least it does for me).


Thanks for the advice. Before I found this board I had the itchies, I have tried many tips and tricks. Right now I’m doing the MN mixed w/ oils, I’m also doing the Indian Powders tonic. IMO I believe the methods I’m using seem to be working. My hair likes the cowashes however, I might need to clarify (I thought the powder will do the trick.) :ohwell:
Thanks for the advice. Before I found this board I had the itchies, I have tried many tips and tricks. Right now I’m doing the MN mixed w/ oils, I’m also doing the Indian Powders tonic. IMO I believe the methods I’m using seem to be working. My hair likes the cowashes however, I might need to clarify (I thought the powder will do the trick.) :ohwell:

Let me know how it goes...:grin: