No Longer On The Long Hair Quest


Well-Known Member
I'm ready for a change. So I'm getting my hair cut today. I'm sick and tired of my ends thinning out as I get closer to shoulder length. I'm tired of wearing a bun just about everyday, or braids. I have to get up at 5:00 every morning, and I don't have time to figure out what to do with my hair. I want something neat, quick, and easy to maintain.

Here's the cut:

I'll always be into healthy hair, so I'll still be on the board from time to time. :)
That's a nice haircut.

But you don't have to do those things to achieve long healthy hair. Recently it has been taking me 3mins to do my hair each morning. And I wear my hair down most days.
controlFreak said:
That's a nice haircut.

But you don't have to do those things to achieve long healthy hair. Recently it has been taking me 3mins to do my hair each morning. And I wear my hair down most days.
I second that. About 3 minutes to "do" in the morning. Short hair is harder to manage in my opinion.
Good luck stormy,

I think we all should first be on the healthy hair quest and then for some long hair or short hair secondly. Some times long hair girls think short hair girls have it easier. The grass always looks greener, but some short styles require more style maintenace. Timely washes and conditioners for both lenghts of hair are important. I'm a firm believer that our hair should add to our beauty and not cause dread. :crying3:

So do your thing, don't get lazy though, keep up your short style with regular trims and conditioning, PLEAse no lazy- glued to your head- gel back number; :spank:

I'd hate to have to scream on you. :censored: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good luck :)
Yeah, I've thought about all of those things. The maintenance. That's why I chose this style because it looks a little easier to maintain than most short styles. And if it starts to get on my nerves it won't take long for it to grow back out. My next style would be a bob.

:lachen: at Cicily! I thought about that geling stuff! I'm not doing that. Yuck!

Well... looks like I'm headed back to the shop for bi-weekly visits. That's how often my daughter goes to maintain her bob.
I second everyone with the more maintenance with short hair. I hear everyone talking about protective style, but me personally i hate buns. for some reason they don't fit my face. I an what you will call a Wrap Queen, or a least that's what my friends call me. it's the easiest style there is. plus it keeps your hair nice and neat. the only time i don't wear it is when my hair is body less.
Doing all those things to your hair isn't for everyone... I can understand not wanting to do it :) Short hai is easier to maintain, you don't have to worry about it too much, and there's less of it there to style!

Good luck with your cut!