Obama and The Signs of the Times

I do believe these are the end of days. There are several horrific prophecies being fullfilled, not just in the US, but globally. No one knows when GOD will come. In the bible it says NOT THE SON OR THE ANGELS IN HEAVEN KNOWS OF THE SECOND COMING BUT GOD. And honestly GOD is GOD, we can't just go by A check list of fullfilled prophersies. GOD can come at ANYTIME.
With China being turned upside down with all these earthquakes and more pending etc. Do you still feel China is going to be in any position to do very much for a long time?

Only time will tell. I don't mean to say the Antichrist will come from China. Heck, it could be Russia, it could be Rome, it could be Greece or Israel. Only the Lord knows.

I know for ME, Cocoberry, I want to have the spirit of people like Abraham and Lot, who kept praying for the souls of all men to be like God, not just for their own salvation.

What we MUST remember is that God is a mighty and merciful God. There are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many stories in the bible (Nehemiah, Jonah, Esther, etc.) of people who saved others through their faith. As women of God, let's keep that spirit, b/c that's the true way to change the world. I know that the destruction is going to happen, since it's written. But I will continue to call on God's merciful heart for this world, that all his children (whether they claim Him or not), will come to know His heart and name:yep:

Ladies, I guess what I'm saying is, it's great to feel God's love and feel secure in getting His salvation. But it's even greater for us to spend less time worrying about who the antichrist is, and worrying more about bringing others to God, so that the antichrist will be powerless:yep:
First, I do NOT believe that Obama is the antichrist. What I do believe is that if he becomes President, he will play a great role in ushering in the antichrist.

I DO NOT believe for one second that Obama can give what He promises because it is not a promise that one man can fulfill. He wants diplomacy and he wants to befriend other nations...that sounds like the plan of the antichrist. He comes in peace, looking to unite all countries under one rule and then turning against the world.

I do not feel that we should put all our focus on the end times, but the Bible says that we are to WATCH AND PRAY!!

This is serious, because so many people are losing the complete pure doctrine of Jesus Christ and yes Oprah has something to do with this. This is not a time for us to bash anyone or look towards any many words, no matter how good they sound. Remember that the apostacy is taking place(falling away from the true doctrine)

The Apostle Paul said that if any man or an angel of light comes to you preaching any other doctrine than that of Jesus, let him be accursed.

We need to be focusing on how his plans and actions will affect our personal doctrine. Will we get scared and reject God's commandments when Obama aids in passing a law that can ultimately send us to jail if we witness to a homosexual(Yes he is aiding this)

We still have to stand on the word of God and what God expects of His people. We cannot be afraid of faces or people opinions(our hearts are sorely evil and does not want to comprehend God's order) We have to stand on those principles even if it means losing friends, going to jail and even dying. Jesus said to love not our life unto death. Those that are trying to save their lives will lose it and those who lose their lives for His sake will find life. Each and everyone of us, will have to make this decision whether it be looking into the rejecting eyes of our peers or bosses...even parents and choose Him over all of them. Above all else, rejoice in the power and commandments of God and do not love your sin and strive to be more like Christ everyday. Once you have the infilling of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth will lead you into all truths and you won't have to continue to argue with yourself or anyone else. You can stand on the true and living word of God and wait on God when you don't know what to do and trust God to bring His word to pass and consider every man lie and test their spirits and walk according to the spirit!!

Also, there is a difference between all the other horrible incidents in the history of the world. The major difference that places now in the end of the end times is the fact that Isreal became a state in 1948? and the bible said that that particular generation will not pass when all the things that Jesus prophecied should come to pass.


It is nice to know that the saints are on watch against these things. I feel as though I am crucified daily at work if I make one comment concerning Obama's agenda. It is like some mass hypnotism. I have something good and bad to say about both candidates.

This is a very encouraging post and I certainly could use the encouragement. Lord please help us to continue to stand.
